♡ chapter 23 ♡

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It was passed ten in the morning and Jungkook has not wake up from his deep slumber yet. It might be because of Jimin somehow managed to force his husband swallowed the some medicine after dinner last night.

"does Jungkook treated you right?"
Jeon Minseo asked in the other side of the phone, placing her chin on her palm. 

Jimin nodded his head even though he was not understand what was actually happening to their relationship. He could hear the older omega humming before she pouted her lips.

"can you really handle that kid alone?"

"what do you mean eomma?"
The male omega asked while raising his eyebrows in pure curiosity.

"just in case he caused you a big trouble, I'm gaving you my permission to smack on his butt real hard alright?"

Instead of answering properly to the question asked by the younger, she laughed and raised her thumbs up to the giggling mess Jimin. They were talking about random things until Minseo heard someone rang her hotel room door.

She excused herself before both of them saying goodbyes to each other. Jimin ended the call but not after watching his mother in law blowing a kiss to him.

A soft giggles escaped from Jimin before he glanced over the wall clock and went to kitchen and put some steamed hot porridge that he cooked earlier into a bowl. The omega then wasting no time to climb up the stairs to the familiar bedroom while holding a food tray in his hold.

He knocked on the door softly, stepping inside as he spotted Jungkook with his messy hair was rubbing his own eyes. The alpha probably just woke up from his long nap and he tried to adjust to the bright light in the bedroom.

This had caused Jimin to take a deep breath as he took a seat at the edge of the bed, close to his husband who was looking at him with confusion. Jimin just keep his mouth sealed and stirring the porridge in silence.

"are you hungry?"

Jimin finally broke the silence between them after a few moments. He lifted his gaze up only to see Jungkook was already looking at him with half lidded eyes, obviously still want to sleep.

The alpha then nodded his eyes before he scooted closer to Jimin when he sniffed the faint savoury smell of the porridge that his husband is holding. He brought his hand to pinch on his nose that seemed stuck out of sudden.

"your temperature has not decrease yet, take your medicine after this okay?"
Jimin said after he placed his palm flat on Jungkook's forehead.

The alpha nodded his head and open his mouth when Jimin began to feed him. Non of them uttering any single word until the porridge was finished as Jimin handed his husband the orange juice.

"where.. where are you going?"
Jungkook asked while he tugged on his husband's small wrist.

"I need to put this tray in sink-"

The alpha shook his head in denied and pulled his husband to sit on the same place from earlier. Jimin raised his eyebrows up when Jungkook managed to lift and put Jimin on his lap.

He then wrapped his arms around the omega before he casually placed his chin on Jimin's shoulder. Both of their heart were beating fast as if it will explode out of their rib cage.

Jimin in the other hand was feeling nervous, not knowing what he supposed to do in this situation. Blame him for lacking romance experience in his life.

"are you sleepy?"

The alpha nodded his head in response before Jimin backed away a bit to look at his husband who was hesitating to let him go. He could feel the heat came from his husband before Jungkook turned his head away to sneeze.

Jimin almost cooed at Jungkook while his eyes softened in adoration. He would love to see this side of Jeon Jungkook even more in the future.

"lay down hyung ah, you should sleep"

"you promise you won't leave?"
Jungkook spoke with his soft tone.

He watched his husband nodding his head before the omega joining him to lay down on the huge bed, getting under the same blanket with him without thinking twice. They fit into each others embrace and Jimin cannot deny the fact that he always feel protected when Jungkook is around him.

"I will be here when you woke up"
Jimin mumbled in half asleep.

"you promise?"

He heard his husband humming in response, making his heart felt warm. Jungkook tightened the grip on Jimin before he pulled the omega closer to his body, killing the smallest gap that exist between both of them.

Jimin gasped in surprise before red blush appeared on his face. There was no space between them and the closeness will let both of them looking to each other more clearly.

He got no idea of the weird behavior of his husband but he was not saying anything, enjoying the warm hug that he received from Jungkook. He had made sure that his husband already ate the medicine a few moments ago so his fever will subside soon.

He could feel his heart speeding up, a lot of scenarios were playing in his mind just in case Jungkook was able to hear his crazy heart beat and make fun of him later on. Jimin was chewing his bottom lip to ease his nervous until he heard the heart beating sound came from the alpha as well.

Jimin lifted his gaze up in hesitation but the alpha was already looking at him with his pair of mesmerizing eyes. This had caused the poor omega to feel flustered as he buried his deep blushed face into Jungkook's hard chest.

He tried to force himself to sleep but then he felt a pair of soft lips pressed on his forehead and causing his breath to hitch in pure surprise, never expected this kind of thing will happen.

"sleep well, Jimin ah"
The soft voice echoing his eardrums.


as promised <3

i want to own an album *sobs

b-but I'm a broke teenager..

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thank you for reading!

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