♡ chapter 11 ♡

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"Jeon Jungkook ah, you better explain"
The older omega crossed his arms over his chest while his foot was tapping on the tiled hospital floor.

"i don't know that he got empty stomach hyung ah, I just order the food since the restaurant was near to our apartment"
Jungkook reasoned while scratching the back of his neck.

The omega in his white coat shook his head before he turned to look at Jimin who has a couple of wires all around his wrists. His body condition is not great either and this had caused Seokjin to become pissed at Jungkook.

"do you ever care about his feelings?"

"Jin hyung ah, of course-"

"have you guys ever talk properly??"
The older omega cut him off.

When he thought about it properly, Jungkook realised that he just avoided his own husband most of the time. He even decided to work overtime just to make sure he will return home when Jimin was asleep on the couch instead of the bed provided in their bedroom.

"do you take enough care of him?"
Another question had caused Jungkook to swallow hard.

His was not able to form any words to answer the older omega. The intense glace he received was enough to make him grow annoyed.

"i did-"

A sudden ringtone interrupted their conversation. It was not coming from their mobile phone but then Seokjin pointed towards the table next to the bed where he put Jimin's phone there.

"i found his phone in his pants pocket"

Jungkook nodded his head at the information as he walked closer to the table. The weird nickname on the screen had caused him to furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Jiminie, what are you doing?"
The familiar voice came from the speaker while Jungkook was still furrowed his eyebrows.

"Kim Taehyung?"
Jungkook asked for confirmation.

"wait, who the fuck are you?"
The furious omega pulled his phone away from his ear to look on the screen.

"Jeon Jimin's husband"

Seokjin could not help but to roll his eyes at the statement before he continued with his job to check up the unconscious omega. Jungkook throw a glare on the older and returning his attention back on the phone.

"jungcock- i mean Jeon Jungkook ah?"

Windshield laugh can be heard in the background since Seokjin heard the nickname given by the other omega. He received another glare from Jungkook but he just ignored the mad bunny.

"are you telling me that Jimin got admitted to the hospital just now??"

The explanation from Jungkook had caused a frown plastered on his beautiful face. It was out of sudden and Taehyung swore he almost lost his mind after processing the whole story.

"I'm going there right now"

It was the last sentence the omega said before he ended the call. Jungkook put the phone back on the table and turned around only to meet with the older omega with both his arms crossed.

"Jimin don't leave me!! Don't die yet or else I can't leave without you stupid!!"
Taehyung cried out his tears.

"slow down your voice, you're embarrassing me you idiotic alien"
Jimin could not help but to roll his eyes.

Not a first time Kim Taehyung acting like this because he often being too dramatic in many situations. Jimin was not minding him at first but when he noticed a few nurses came and peeked from the door had caused the small omega to feel uncomfortable.

He had been unconscious for a few hours until Taehyung burst into his ward. Jimin was alone when the other omega had arrived but he was not asking about his husband at all, he understands that Jungkook might be busy with his work.

"are you hungry Jimin??"
Taehyung asked after he dried his tears, done with his job to annoy his soulmate.

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to eat with this kind of condition-"

"yes, you can"
A voice interrupted the omegas.

Taehyung turned his head around to look at the owner of the voice but Jimin was not moving an inch from his spot. His eyes glued to his small hands without muttered a single word. Jimin could heard shuffling sounds but he was still stubborn to lift his head up.

"Jimin, i need to use toilet"
The other omega whispered before he rushed out of the room, leaving Jimin behind with his eyes were wide open.

Jimin could feel the tension inside the room was getting heavier and he does not have any idea what to do without Taehyung's company by his side. The omega shifted on the bed while he rubbed his cold hands together to create some heat enough to himself.

"the doctor said you should eat something before your next medicine will be sent so now, open your mouth"
Jungkook commanded as he had caused the omega to flinch in surprise.

Jimin was not noticed when the alpha had took a seat on the other seat close to him while stirring something inside the container. The food smelled like chicken porridge and he could tell that it was not provided from the hospital.

"don't worry, i bought this earlier so it won't taste as bad as hospital dishes"
Jungkook assured, already bringing the spoon to approach the omega.

No words came out from the younger as he just stared at the metal spoon. Jungkook raised his eyebrows before he decided to call the omega and caused him fall from his own bubble. Jimin turned to look at him with a pair of wide curious eyes and return his attention back on the spoon.

"open your mouth"
The alpha said gently, not wanting to scare his husband at all.

With hesitation, Jimin opened his mouth and Jungkook carefully fed him. He would wipes the remaining porridge on Jimin's lips with a tissue while the said omega freezed on his spot. They were not saying anything except for repeating their action for a couple of times until Jimin finally full.

"feel better?"
Jungkook asked as he watched his husband nodded his head.

"can i h-have water?"
Jimin stuttered with his fists were clenching the blanket over his lap.


I love jikook fluff 😭❤

might write more fluff next time

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