♡ chapter 18 ♡

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"you've drink too much Jungkook"
The older alpha said while pulling the alcohol bottle away.

"Namjoon hyung please, one more!"

He had drank ten bottles of liquor that night as the dimpled alpha just shook his head and earning a groan from the younger who was gripping on his hair in frustration. Namjoon then passed him a bottle of mineral water to help Jungkook sober up a little bit.

The water had caught his interest as Jungkook screw the cap open and finish the whole bottle in a short time. He let out a gasp after he put the empty bottle on the table with his trembling hand.

"Jimin hates me"
Jungkook mumbled with closed eyes.

The alpha was hanging his head low while sat alone on the single couch while Namjoon sat across him. He had repeated the words for the hundredth time that night with the same expression on his face.

"what was going on actually?"
Namjoon asked gently, not wanting to make the younger alpha tensed.

"he h-hates me from the beginning hyung ah, m-my wolf and i feel r-restless every single day without h-him too"
Jungkook said while he was fighting to not let his eyes closed shut.

The information given was not enough for Namjoon to figure out his problem. He just nodded his head to encourage Jungkook to open up even more.

"i miss him so fucking much"

Another groan escaped from Jungkook as he hang his head backwards to see the full decorated ceiling. The headache was killing him and he might not able to drive himself home alone later on.

"it's already late, let's return home"
Namjoon said while passing one more water bottle to the younger.

"Jimin doesn't want to see me"
Jungkook shook his head in denied.

The older sighed in response while he scrolling down his contact number in his smartphone and dialed a familiar number. He waited for a while until the person picked up his call.

"Joonie, are you already home?"
A sweet voice had caused the alpha to form a smile on his face.

"I'm with Jungkook right now, are you on your way home from hospital love?"
Namjoon heard his husband humming in the other side.

"can you do me a favor?"

"sure only if it doesn't illegal to me"
Seokjin said while starting his car engine and checking the back view mirror.

The alpha was about to say something but then he heard Jungkook keep on mumbling about Jimin with his hoarse voice and eyes closed, too drunk to control himself. It would be a huge lie if he said that he was not feeling bad for Jungkook since he treated the younger  like his little brother all this time.

"Joonie? are you alright there?"
A voice that came from his husband had caused him back to earth.

"both Jungkook and i were a bit drunk so can you pick his husband from your brother's apartment?"

"ah sure thing, i would love to say hello to taehyungie anyways"

"I'll send you the location right now"
Namjoon said while he passing one more water bottle to Jungkook.

He ended the call after his husband said they are on their way. The alpha was distracted with his phone as he was not realized that Jungkook was sipping the liquor from the bottle that he snatched away from the younger earlier.

"yah, Jeon Jungkook!"
Namjoon scolded with his eyes had grew wide in surprise.

He took the empty bottle away with Jungkook just panting to get enough oxygen to fill his lungs. The alcohol caused his version to get blurry as he just leaning his head on the couch.

"i cannot stop thinking about Jimin"
Jungkook confessed while his wolf howling in sadness.

A frown had changed into soft gaze looking at the younger with heavy heart. Namjoon understands that Jungkook just wanted to forget about the aching pain in his heart for a moment but it keep returning every time he sober up. The older has not waste his time to change his seat next to Jungkook.

"take a deep breath, it's okay"
Namjoon said as he drew some circles on the younger to calm him down.

"my heart hurts so much"
Jungkook sighed before he put an arm to cover his eyes from the lights.

His hair now looked all mess, completely opposite with the older alpha but it does not effecting his handsome look at all. The alcohol seemed to began kicking in his system and causing Jungkook to groaned in pain when the killing headache attacked him out of sudden.

Namjoon was worried as he rubbed a circle to calm the younger down. He passed one more mineral water to make Jungkook sober a little before their husbands will arrive.

Someone knocking on their room door before a beta waiter stepped inside bowing to both of them to show respect after he got the permission. Namjoon nodded his head to assure him to speak.

"excuse me but there's two omegas outside claiming that they want to meet both of you sir, should i let them in?"
The staff announced as Namjoon nodded his head once again.

"i called them to come over, let them in"

With that he opened the door wide enough to let the omegas to step inside and left the room to give them privacy. Seokjin approaching them with Jimin was hiding behind him while they were holding hands.

"Jungkook hyung?"
Jimin called in surprise when he saw the way his husband looked so wasted on the couch with more than five empty alcohol bottle placed on the table.

The younger omega flinched when he received a death glare from his own husband. Jimin hides behind Seokjin who was looking at Namjoon with raised eyebrows in confusion.

"i think I'm hallucinating Namjoon hyung, i can see my husband standing there"
Jungkook spoke while he pointed towards Jimin with the same glare.

All of the others had lost their words. Even Jimin was looking the older with curiosity written all over his face. The smaller tugged on Seokjin's hand to make the older looking at him.

"Jungkook is drunk, look at all of these bottles he had finished a moment ago"
Namjoon sighed while he flicking an empty bottle to create a ticking sound.

"Namjoon ah, take me home"
The younger alpha blurted while he trying to stand up.

It does not take a while for Jungkook to regret his action, the pounding headache was about to kill him right on the spot until his legs turned into jelly. A loud groan coming from the alpha before he fall on the same seat that he was sitting earlier with Namjoon.


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