=_=CHAPTER 1=_=

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"Mother, can I not go? I'm not really feeling well." I said to my mother who is trying to pull out the blanket that I'm hugging. She is trying to snatch the blanket away from me.

"Oh no, no, no, young lady. You already said yes to us last night to go to the banquet of the crown prince. You cannot back out from your promise." 

"Mother, you forced me to accept it. I don't have a choice but to agree. You were threatening me. I'm not going there!"

I don't want to meet the crown prince. I don't want to be one of his collections. That is too troublesome!

"*Sigh*" I felt mother sat beside me.

"My child, why don't you want to go to the royal palace so much or to any banquet?"

Because I don't want to meet the crown prince. I don't like playboys. Oh, how I wish for the heroine to appear quickly. 

"..." I stayed silent and didn't answer her question.

"*Sigh* Please, just this once Melody. Come with us and attend the banquet. The king has been asking for your presence. We've been telling lies that you are very sick. At least, show yourself in the noble society once. As a noblewoman, this is our responsibility."

As a modern woman, I don't understand that at all but I do understand that we all have different cultures. This is the world's honestly troublesome culture but I have to adapt myself to this world which is another troublesome. *Sigh*

"Fine, I'll go but just this once." I got up from my bed which made my mother really happy.

I really wish that the crown prince will not notice me but I never went out of my home which made all the people wants to see me. I bet they are curious about my looks and my temperament. Of course, the crown prince is also very curious. It's not weird anymore if he'll notice my presence and Lady Melody is definitely a beauty. I'm not boasting, I'm just stating a fact. I'm actually proud that I'm a beauty but I know the fact that sometimes beauty is poison. In short, I'm scared to attract a beast. I don't want a man who only looks at my beauty. I don't want to marry a man because of Melody's appearance.

I arrive at the banquet with my parents. They quickly went away talking to different people. Aaaah, I really want to go home. 

I look at my surroundings and notice how much the people staring at me while whispering to each one another.

I know why, it's the first time they saw me. Now, they saw me, they felt interested. I notice some men looking at me with their disgusting stares. 

*Sigh* What a troublesome nobleman.

"Melody!" I saw Merliya running towards me which made me smile.

Merliya Tira Campbell, the villainess of this story and she's also the one who made me realize what this world really is. I am very thankful to her for making me realize who I am really.

"Merliya, it's nice seeing you again," I said as we hug each other.

"I am also very happy. I thought you're not going to come."

"I feel well so I came here." I smiled at her.

I lied. I'm actually always feeling well but I have to act since I don't really want to meet the crown prince.

"I see, why don't we taste the royal's sweet foods?" Merliya guide me to a table where there's a lot of food.

While we are eating desserts, we look up when someone announces the entrance of the crown prince. I observe the crown prince. 

The typical appearance of a crown prince, long blonde hair, and beautiful gem-like green eyes. He wore a white princely-like tuxedo. I can't deny he is handsome but not to the point I'll drool. For other women, maybe for them, he is the most handsome. I met a lot of men like him in my previous world. They are more handsome than him so his looks don't really affect me.

The girls squeal beside me as they keep on looking at the crown prince. 

"He is so handsome! When will he ask me out?" one of the girls beside me said.

"He hasn't broken up with his current girlfriend so he can't ask  anyone out today."

The crown prince is a well-known playboy who breaks up with every girl after 1 week has passed. No one last that long to a relationship with him. That's why I despise him! He played with the girl's heart just because he is the crown prince. Where are you, female lead? When are you going to melt this stupid male lead's heart?

"Hahahaha, girl. You know that as long as he will be attracted to another woman, he will quickly break up with his current girlfriend." Their gossip continues which I don't want to hear anymore so I excuse myself from Merliya that I will just get some fresh air.

Oh, how I hope he won't come looking for me.

I went to the veranda while holding an orange juice. I look at the moon shining brightly and the stars twinkling very beautifully.

"Young lady..." I quickly look behind me and saw the crown prince approaching. Can I run? 

"May I interrupt your---" he suddenly stops talking while staring at me.

"Greetings your highness..." I bend down politely.

"Ahmm... *Ehem* I have never met you. Who are you?"

"Your highness, this lady came from the Clionte family. This lady's name is Melody Asienna Clionte." I introduced myself while still bending down elegantly.

(Author: I'm really bad at description, I'm sorry for that.)

"Clionte... So you are the precious daughter of Count Clionte? Just like what the rumor says, their precious daughter is indeed a real beauty."

Wow, what a smooth talker but in a way, it gives me a cringe.

"You flatter me, your highness." I acted like I'm shy or blushing like a dumbstruck fool.

I don't want to have any relationship with the crown prince so I have to act that I'm attracted to him.

I saw him smirking. Maybe he was thinking that "*Smirk* I attracted another lady. I'm quite a sinner." 

Of course in my mind, "I'm just acting! Acting! Don't act so big!" but let's just act that I fall in love with him. I don't want to steal the female lead's role because that will be too troublesome. I like the female lead a lot and I don't want to steal her role just because the crown prince is handsome. Well, I'm not interested in this playboy at all. I'll only be interested in him if he changes for the heroine. He was so romantic and quite good at seducing. They are a cute couple and I don't want to destroy that plot if I act disinterested in the crown prince.

I'm very excited to watch their cat and mouse play! If I want to watch that then I must fulfill my role. The most important thing is I'm not the villainess or an important character so I will not worry about my death flag. I will do my role even I don't want to be part of his collection but I don't have a choice.

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