=_=CHAPTER 24=_=

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I'm sorry for not updating for the second time on that day. I was called in my Karate Club. Our Culmination Program is on Thursday (February 24, 2022) which is tomorrow so I'm pretty busy training the little kids for their performance. I'm really sorry.


"You liked me, right?" the crown prince couldn't help but ask which she didn't expect.

"Ye... yes," she answered reluctantly.

"Then why are you so eager to push me towards the princess?" he asked coldly. This is where the conversation will start.


Melody thought of his question for a few seconds but she couldn't think of the reason he asked that.

Did he notice anything?

Or is it because of that?

"Oh no, your highness! Don't worry I'm not planning anything. I may have fallen for you but that was in the past. Princess Ethalia is a great woman and she's very talented, I can't compare myself to her at all. I know why you liked her very much. I also like her a lot, so don't worry your highness, I'm not planning on using her to---" Melody quickly tried to explain but was stopped in the middle.

"No, that's not what I meant!" the crown prince suddenly outbursts. "That's not *ehem* That's not what I meant. I know you are sincere to Princess Ethalia and I'm always thankful for that. What I meant for that question is that have you ever liked me? Or all this time, you're playing with me?"

Melody's heart suddenly stopped beating for a few seconds and when her brain thought of what he said, it starts beating so fast.

He... He what?

He noticed it?

Ho... how?

Oh no!

Is it because I became friends with Princess Ethalia?

Is it because I changed Princess Ethalia's life?

"Why did you ask that, your highness? I did really fall in love with you. The moment I saw you that time at the banquet, I quickly thought you are the one for me. I thought how charisma---" Melody tried to get away from his suspicion but was again stopped halfway.

"Lady Melody, stop. I know it already. I know you're playing with me when you said yes," the crown prince sighed. He desperately wants to know the reason why she wants to avoid him. He wants the conversation to lead to the direction where he wants it to go. Even though he is nervous about what their conversation will lead to but he must make his heart strong. He wants to know why she said yes and why she played with him. Even though the answer is obvious but he wants to hear it from her.

"I... You... You know? But how? When? I did my best not to make it obvious."

"Why? Why did you say yes?" he asked not answering her questions in the meantime.

Melody thought of her reason for a few seconds. She can't probably say that she is just being careful. Melody can't say about the novel she has read in her previous life. She can't tell her that Melody doesn't want to change the story. If she said that, the crown prince she's being unbelievable and she's impossible or she's weird. Melody can't state her impossible reasons to him.

"Hahaha, will you believe it if I said I read too many novels?" she asked while laughing awkwardly. She scratches her head looking in the other direction.

"So, you didn't like me at all and only said yes because you don't want me to like you or notice you?"

"Well, as I told his highness, I read too much novel, hehehe," Melody said, scratching her head and looking elsewhere.

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