=_=CHAPTER 5=_=

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After the fiasco, I started telling them a story like I always do.

"So, what do you want to hear this time?" I asked while I'm holding a baby in my arms.

I look at the cute baby who is smiling brightly at me.


"We want to hear the story about Ariel! The mermaid!" Danya said excitedly. "You haven't finished telling about what happens in the end," Danya added while pouting.

I pinched her nose while saying, "Alright, alright, I'll tell it to you until the end of the story after all I'm very having a good day!" I said enthusiastically. I'm very good mood because I'm finally done with that playboy and arrogant crown prince.

These kids love hearing Disney stories. From a long time ago, I've been telling them a lot of stories that I know in my previous life. I love anime but I also love Disney movies. When I have time, I tell them those stories. Since I also love singing in my previous life, I sing for the kids.

I'm glad that Lady Melody has a very beautiful voice and her voice is much beautiful than my voice in my previous life. Lady Melody's voice also can hit high notes while I'm having a hard time reaching the high notes. It was very awkward for me but now I have her body and voice, I'm going to make use of it.  I'm also glad that this world's language is English so if I sang an English song they can easily understand the meaning of the song.

"I want to hear the first part until the end, I was asleep when you're telling them the story." Kurly said while pouting, the oldest kid among them.

I rubbed her head which messed her beautiful arranged long hair. "Alright, alright! Hahahaha! You are all so cute! Since you are very cute, I'm going to listen to your command."

So... I started telling about "The Little Mermaid".

"Once upon a time, there is a mermaid princess was living in the deep sea with her father and 6 sisters.---"


While Melody is busy telling a story, she never notices that someone is actually watching her. He is been standing on the branch of a large and tall tree. He was attentively listening to her melodious voice.

The shadow knight arrives in the mansion of Lady Melody. He saw her taking care of orphan kids, he also saw how she made the kids calm down. He saw how warm she is to those commoner kids. He saw how she carefully hold a baby in her arms. He listened to her beautiful story which is about a mermaid princess and a human prince.

He thought she will only tell a story but the kids suddenly got so excited telling Lady Melody to sing.

"I want to hear Princess Ariel's song! I want to hear it again!" Danya said excitedly.

"Me too! Me too! I want to hear it again!" another little girl said.

Melody laughs at them before she starts singing with a very attractive and cheerful voice.

"~Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collections, complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything?~" she playfully play with the baby and the other kids while singing. The kids were listening attentively with a bright smile hanging on their lips.

Ez suddenly appeared in this very scene, the best friend of the crown prince. The shadow knight didn't notice that Ez appeared more like he doesn't care. He fully paid attention to her that he couldn't even look away even a second, he cannot take his eyes off from Lady Melody.

From the moment, he saw her calming the kids and happily telling them stories, she captured his heart which he is not aware of it.

Ez also can't look away after listening to her melodious and cheerful voice. He is interested in her first but now she captured his cold heart which he doesn't even notice.

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