=_=CHAPTER 22=_=

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I don't know who was the first one who is affected so I couldn't control it and I don't want anyone to be suspicious of me. If I suddenly appeared with a cure, what will they think first? Of course, they will think that I plan the epidemic or I was ordered by someone. It's dangerous so I was being careful.

Luckily, no one will die after 3 weeks. The symptoms will get worst after 3 weeks and they will all die. Before 3 weeks came, I asked my father's doctor to try the herbs I nurtured in the garden. Since it's not a dangerous herb, he tried it and it worked! The rat we used as a test subject was cured after 2 days. Dr. Lemur of course asked if why I know about Hamille herbs but I already prepared my answer a long time ago.

I told him that I read in the book that this herb can help a lot of diseases and maybe it could cure the virus spreading around. Of course, it was a lie, that book never existed. The description of the Hamille herb is that it's a common tea that is not really liked by everyone. He asked that he never read such kind of books. I told him I met an old man whom I helped and he gave me this herb. He let me read the book and after 1 week, I shall return it to him. At first, he was still suspicious since my explanation seems ridiculous but in the end he believed it since everyone thought that kids don't lie.

He pats my head before telling the good news to everyone. My father hid that it was me who found the cure because I'm too little at that time and my father doesn't want me to attract the attention of the royal family or anyone which is also a very good situation for me.

Everyone was cured but the squatter was excluded since they can't afford the herb. They plan to burn them so that the spread of the epidemic will stop but I won't let that happen.

I thought everyone will be given herbs but why did they exclude the people in the squatter? That's why I didn't go to the squatter because I thought everyone will be given a herb but they plan to burn them?

How cruel!

How inhuman!

Did the king even agree with that?

Based on what my father said, the king was also sick at that time because of the epidemic and his health is very bad compare to other affected citizens. The other nobles refuse but the majority is they want to burn the people in squatter.

To prevent that from happening, I brought all of my herbs and cure them all.

When the knights came to burn the people in the squatter, what they saw is a very healthy people and they seem they're not even affected by the virus.

The nobles were very angry and wanted to come up with a scheme to get rid of the people in the squatter but his majesty, the king woke up from his deep slumber. When he got the news of what they were scheming, they were all doom to be captured and put in jail.

The people in the squatter were very grateful for what I did and they finally saw that some nobles are good people. After warming up with them more, they finally accept me .

When I was 11 years, I rebuild the squatter and gave them works that will benefit them all. I used billions of gold to do all those plans for 6 years. At first, it was very difficult but a lot of people helped me. My father who is good at business helped me a lot. Amigo also helped me. He has lots of money too and when I'm short on money, he is always there to give up his salary. The people in the squatter can now live comfortably. They have now a better house and the squatter area is not a squatter place anymore, it became the living of people who are successful in life. And I also benefit from those businesses I started, I have lots of money to waste but I still want to use my money wisely.

Helping poor people like this is what I wish the most to do when I was in my previous world. I want to help like this if I have money to throw into the air.

The people who handle my businesses greeted me with admiration planted on their faces which made me feel embarrassed.

I was their savior so I know why they always look at me like I'm a famous actress which embarrasses me a lot.

I talk with them about the situation of their lives and also the businesses that I assigned for them to handle. There is some increase, and there is some same financial situation; it didn't increase nor decrease, and there are some problems but I was told that they will be handled by Amigo. I'm not good at businesses but because a lot of good and talented people helped me. Luckily, all the businesses I started were a success.

After I talk to them for two hours, I play with the kids who invited me to play with them.

As I was playing with them, I suddenly remember the toys I bought. I distributed it to them and they happily accepted my gifts. They all even hugged me, making me fall to the ground. We laugh as we roll around on the ground.

Melody who is busy playing with the kids didn't know that this was all witnessed by Prince Trayvon who followed her the whole day.

All this time, the person behind all this is Lady Melody? The person he's been investigating is Lady Melody?

When he was a kid, he heard from his father that there's a mysterious person who is helping them and all this time, it was Lady Melody?

The person who did all this is a little kid. What's her age when she started this all? 9, 10, 11?

All this time, he is really blind?

Did he mess with their savior?

Did he mess with a great person?

Now, he knows why Ez and Zero look at him like he's the most stupid. He's really stupid for messing with the wrong person. He must apologize to her. She saved his father from the epidemic. She also saved a lot of the citizens of the Flynn kingdom. In the process of saving the people in the squatter, she also helped them capture the corrupted officials.

No one knows who is behind all of this. The powerful Intelligence Guild didn't let us investigate the person behind all those events. They protected her quite well and she hid it well by changing the color of her light brown hair to black. So that's why they can't find her for so many years. They didn't even think of investigating Lady Melody because she rarely goes out of her mansion and they said that she's a frail woman. Now, he knows they were lies to hide her real identity.

Lady Melody went home when the night came.

It was a long and tiring day, so as soon as she fall on her bed, she fell asleep.

Pearl, her black rabbit jump towards her side and slept with her.

Lady Melody still doesn't know that from now on, the story she wants on the right track is all messed up.

The crown prince who finally knows the truth felt complicated. He doesn't know what to feel when he remembers how much he insulted her in his mind. He also feels happy that he finally found out about their savior but at the same time, he felt awkward when thinking about how he treated her rudely.

He must apologize no matter what, but he doesn't know that another week will pass and he will never catch the glimpse of her again.


Fufufufu, prince Trayvon, it's only starting, the tiring life you will have with Melody.

Hehehe, 2 updates for this day. I hope you like it. :D

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