=_=CHAPTER 12=_=

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5 days have passed...

In those days, I spend my time with my friends especially Ethalia. She visited our home too and I let her borrow a lot of romance books. Sometimes, we read in the garden while drinking tea. Merliya also comes with us but she can only visit my home once a week. Her parents are very strict with her and going out to have fun is not easy for her. She must finish all of her home works before she can play. I couldn't deny that I pity Merliya's situation.

My family is not very strict about my etiquette. They don't mind if I made a mistake a lot. They encourage or give advice when I make a mistake. You can say that I'm very happy with my current life. I have a very loving and doting parent, my little brother always listens to me and obeys me, and I have people beside me who make me happy. This life is the best!

In my past life, I have a loving family too but they died when I was 9 years old. I lived with my aunt who is very kind too but she soon left me alone since she has new work in America. She wants me to come with her but I don't want to disrupt her family's life. She also has a husband, daughters, and son. I can't destroy their life because of me so I stayed in the country. My aunt's family is also very kind. Her husband is very respectful towards me and treats me like I'm his real daughter. The kids are also very kind and play with me a lot.

My previous life is quite satisfying even though my family died earlier in my childhood days. It hurts but I learned to move on with my new family. I also miss my family in my previous life but when I was a kid in this new life of mine, I learned to forget and accept my current reality.

I only pray that they are all happy.

As I was readying myself to sleep after reading a book, I suddenly heard a noise on my balcony.

I quickly went out to my bed and slowly took a peek at where the noise came from.

I was shocked when I saw Ezrif lying in my balcony's room, bloody all over.

What... what happened to him?

I quickly open the glass door and run towards him.

"Ezrif! What happened to you?"

Then it suddenly hit me!

Don't tell me...

This is where the scene Ethalia saw him bloody in the middle of the forest and helped him.

Why is he here?

Why did he appear here?

What about the plot?

Nah! Forget about it! Let's help this man quickly. It seems he looks like he is dying.

"Ezrif, are you ok?"

"Hehehe, long time no see, my Melody," he said in my arms while smiling foolishly.

"You... How could you tease me in this kind of situation? And what happened to you?" I asked, annoyed by his behavior.

How could he smile while he is injured? Is this fun for him?

What a weird man!

"I was ambushed by my enemy but don't worry I finished them all. Now, I completed my mission and I can play with you as much as I want."

"*Click my tongue* Stop your teasing! Let's go inside, I'll put medicine to your wounds." I give up on stopping him from his teasing.

I assist him inside and let him sit on the sofa.

I silently went out of my room and retrieve the first-aid kit in the kitchen.

Thankfully, almost all the servants and other people in the mansion are asleep. There are some knights but since it's me, they let me be. They asked me why I'm outside but I just said that I'm going to get food in the kitchen. They know my attitude so they let me be.

After picking up the first-aid kit on the shelf, I quickly run towards my room.

I saw Ezrif staring at the moon, he looks like a vampire who is bathing with his blood.

It seems I'm destroying the plot and I didn't even know how it all started. What did I do?

How could this happen?

Well, might as well save Ezrif from the novel. What's important is Ethalia and the crown prince's story is progressing well.

I walk towards Ezrif. He quickly look in my direction when he heard my hurried footstep.

For some reason, he's happy.

"Why are you smiling? And why do you look so happy? You are very wounded and you're smiling like it doesn't hurt. You are really weird." I said as I sat beside him.

I opened the first-aid kit and start picking the medicines for his wounds.

"*Chuckle* Only weird for you." He said as he wink at me. I just rolled my eyes and then I start treating him.

"You know medicine?" he asked, amused by what I'm doing.

"The kids are always playing and along the way, they get wounded. I am the one who always treats them so you can say that I have a little bit of knowledge about medicine and especially when it comes to bandaging wounds but I'm not an expert. I know a little bit." I said while I put alcohol on the cotton and press it on his wound.

"I see..." he said as he nodded his head repeatedly. "You are getting more interesting, my lady," he said as he gently hold my hair and kiss it.

I flinched from his action and then roll my eyes again.

"Could you please stop flirting with me because it's giving me goosebumps!" I said as I press the cotton on his wound hard. He hissed and I enjoy pressing it harder.

"My lady, please don't be so aggressive or I might do something you won't like." he threatened and so I quickly stop pressing it hard.

"If you don't want to get hurt then stop flirting because you're annoying."

"Why? Are you getting butterflies in your stomach?" he asked, continuously teasing me.

Men like to tease women especially if they like that person.

I've experienced this in my past life so I'm accustomed to it and it doesn't affect me very much. Sometimes, I thought if I'm cold-hearted or I don't have a heart but it doesn't matter. I'm not interested in falling in love.

I prefer reading, writing, watching others' love stories than watching my own love story.

"No, I'm getting goosebumps. Anyway, what happened to you? Why did you appear here? There are doctors in the palace you are working in. Why did you appear before me and with all this wound?"

"Isn't it obvious?" then he suddenly got closer to me which made me lean backward. "I'm very excited to see you again," he looks at me with his gentle stare. "Melody, I miss you." then he suddenly hugged me which made my heart jump away 2000 miles.

"You... what are you doing?" I asked, panicking inside and out.

"I really miss you, Melody," he hugged me more tightly.

"Ezrif! Let go of me! You are wounded! I haven't dressed your wounds!" I said, worried about his wound.

He finally let go of me but he is laughing.

"Why the heck are you laughing?" I asked, angry.

"I thought you will push me and slap me but you are worried? I'm very happy, Melody. I'm very happy." he said as he smile happily.

I didn't mind him anymore and just focus on putting medicines on him.

I can feel his stare but I ignore it and just keep on what I'm doing.

An hour has passed and I finally finished bandaging him.

There are some awkward places but I didn't think much of it. I'm accustomed to doing this to men. We have knights at home and sometimes they help the soldiers killing some bandits outside the kingdom or some assassins who tried to kill my parents. I helped on treating them too and seeing people naked for the first time, of course, it made me nervous but I got used to it and didn't think much of it. My parents are of course are very angry with me since I'm still a noblewoman and touching the body of men is not allowed for an unmarried woman like me. They grounded me for 1 month and I didn't mind it. I'm actually very happy that I'm stuck at home, reading books and drawing portraits.

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