=_=CHAPTER 2=_=

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When he came to me introducing himself, it didn't shock me at all since I know that my fate will not change.

Well, I might as well go with the flow. If I reject this annoying prince, I might become the heroine. After all, in the original story, the crown prince was attracted to the heroine because she rejected him. She rejected him and it intrigued him. The crown prince was curious about her so he keeps on bothering her. He fall in love along the way and he started seducing her but they were like cat and mouse where the cat keeps on chasing the mouse but the mouse didn't let herself caught. In the end, the female lead was caught by the claw of the cat, and in the end, happy ending!

I love the novel because it was so cute and it's so funny. Now, I was reincarnated to this world.

I realize I was reincarnated to another world when I was a baby and I also realize that I'm inside a novel after I met the villainess. I could remember her because I hated her so much. How many times have I cursed her name when I was reading the novel in my previous life? The day that I met her, she visited our home. I could still remember how annoying she was that time. You can see that she is a spoiled brat but I couldn't deny it, she is quite pitiful. She introduced herself with her arrogant gesture and what attracted me the most is I know who she is. It hits me! The realization that I'm inside a book or a novel. I also remember that the title of the novel is "The Play Boy Crown Prince". The better part is I'm just an extra character in the novel, I was only mentioned once. Why do I remember it? It's because we have the same name. I felt intrigued that my name is in there so that's why I can still remember Melody's part here in the story.

I was only mentioned once. That was the good part, it means I don't have any problems in the story. I don't need to find ways to survive because Melody will survive until the end of the story. After all, Melody is just an extra character. The worst part that I don't like the most is I'm one of the women who fall in love with the crown prince. In short, I am one of his ex-girlfriends or the annoying word "collection".

As a modern woman, I hate that! I hate to be just a one-night stand woman. No way! But what can I do? If I refuse the prince, he will be interested in me which is the important matter I have to avoid no matter what happens. I don't want to be like the other stories where the transmigrated female lead accidentally made the male leads fall in love with them instead of the real heroine. I want to avoid that and from all I know, I was never interested in 3D men. Honestly, I prefer 2D men like *Ehem* Usui Takumi, Takishima Kei, Yukihira Souma, and many more anime men. My heart beats only for them. I prefer watching on the sideline than experiencing romance myself.

"Lady Melody, will you become my girlfriend?" he asked which made me want to punch him but... Huhuhu! I have to swallow my pride.

"G-g-girlfriend? But I heard, you have a current girlfriend. I-I-I don't want to snatch someone's boyfriend." I said while I'm blushing and acting like a nervous bunny.

If I'm watching myself right now, I will laugh really loud because I look stupid. If my acting works, I will get the best actress award. I will keep this up. I know the girls he hates the most and the girls he found boring. If I act like them, the crown prince surely never will be interested in me.

"Hahaha, don't worry little bunny, I will break up with her and be with you." he suddenly stands so close to me and lift my head using one finger. He smiled at me brightly.

T_T I really want to punch this playboy before I run away. *Sigh* I'll just swallow this anger boiling inside of me.

"But-but, that is not right," I said while blushing really hard and my eyes keep on looking away, refusing to look at the crown prince. Melody, keep on acting! Don't punch him so calm yourself down and endure your irritation towards this stupid crown prince.

"Are you rejecting me?" he asked while staring at me with his seducing eyes.

"I-I-I don't dare your highness." I saw his smile disappear and a clear disinterest is very obvious on his face.

I want to smirk, my actions and words are on point. What the crown prince hates the most is a woman who doesn't dare to reject him. He was waiting for someone to reject him. He is the crown prince so that's why no one rejected him. Every woman he encountered, no one dares to reject him and he hates those kinds of women.

I really want to punch him and tell him that if you don't like those kinds of women then why don't you shut up and sit on your throne. Do not bother and hurt so many women just to satisfy your boredom. Now, I understand why the heroine hates her male lead at first. It's because he is a jerk but yeah, I know he has a reason why he is a jerk.

Anyways, my acting works and he lost his interest in me with just one sentence. How beautiful, isn't it?

"Then what's your decision, do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked while his hand surround my waist. Can I push him away? It gives me goosebumps.

Man, don't touch me!!!

HOOO! Calm down, Melody. Calm down...

"You-your highness, then ta-ta-take care of me." I look down acting very shy but I'm actually biting my lips, trying to calm my nerves down. I clench my hand strongly, trying my best to endure the heat boiling inside me. 

Honestly, it hurts my pride, that's why I really hate saying yes to the crown prince. As a modern woman and a woman who prefers 2D men, I really hate saying yes to the crown prince.

"Great! Let's have a date tomorrow." he suddenly said which made me look at him.

"Da-da-date?" What date? Why are we going to date? NO WAY!

"Yes, date. I'll fetch you tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning. I heard you never go out from your mansion. Why don't I tour you around the kingdom?"

NOOOO! I want to rest at home tomorrow. I don't want to be with you at all but... T_T  for the sake of doing my role, *sigh* I'll do it. Huhuhu! I really want to run away! But I honestly want to watch your love story with the heroine and for the sake of that, I'll do my role diligently. 

"I'm quite frail, I hope you'll take care of me, your highness," I said while we are hugging.

When the heck are you going to let me go???

"Hahaha! I will definitely take care of you," he said while hugging me tightly.

"Aaa! I have a favor, your highness." I back away from his hug and look at him in the eye.

"Can you keep it a secret from my family? They're going to kill me if they know that their frail daughter has a relationship with the crown prince."

I know the crown prince prefers that kind of relationship. It'll be troublesome if their parents know their relationship. They will force the king to agree to be the fiancée of the crown prince. The crown prince hates that so he tells his girls that they must keep their relationship a secret, if not there will be a huge punishment coming on your way. I know when he said that, it means he doesn't plan on marrying you so don't wish anything. That is always the message of the crown prince to his girlfriends before they start dating.

"Alright, that's fine by me. So, we will meet at the jewelry shop in the capital market, is that fine with you?"

"Of course, your highness." I smiled brightly at him and I could see the blush on his face. Well, he can't deny that his current girlfriend is a beauty.

Melody is really beautiful. I'm happy that I possessed her body. She has a good background and a loving family. She is quite lucky.

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