=_=CHAPTER 21=_=

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Melody who stayed in her mansion for 2 weeks didn't notice that she actually revealed the truth herself. She didn't know that all her plan all this time will be washed away just because of her big mouth.

After 2 weeks, she finally went out of her home and visit her Bellea Rosa Boutique.

The second shadow knight of the crown prince told him that Lady Melody went to the town square to go to the most popular dress shop in the Flynn Kingdom while wearing a black wig as a disguise.

The crown prince quickly went out to follow her and at the same time investigate who she really is and if what Ez said is true that he doesn't really know anything then he must see it for himself.

"Owner, you're here!" Sally greeted me with a very bright smile.

Amelo, Sally's husband, also greeted me with a bow.

Bianca and Reyma, coworkers of Sally also greeted me just like Sally's reaction.

"Sister Melody!" Harly, a ten-year-old boy, and son of Sally and Amelo run towards me.

"Harly!" I open my wide arms and let him jump so we can hug each other in a comfortable position.

We hug each other and we giggle.

"Sister Melody! You're here! You're here!" he excitedly said as he hugged me tightly. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, Harly," then I rub his head after we hugged.

After greeting them all. I asked about the situation of the shop if there's a loss or if there's an increase.

They happily shared the outcome of the new design Sally thought of. It was a success and a lot of people ordered those dresses. The income increased again.

As I was looking around the boutique, Sally handed me a large box.

"This is my latest new design," she said as she smile.

Sally is a very talented designer. Her dresses are amazing.

When I was a kid, I was 8 years old that time, I met Sally in a dress shop that was almost taken away and destroyed by the debtors. They were trying to kidnap her and sell her to an aristocrat where she will be a plaything for such disgusting people. I saved her from that harsh fate. I saw her designs and I admired them because they are different from the designs I saw from famous boutique shops. Sally's design is unique but at the same time beautiful and elegant. They are simple and there are not really pieces of jewelry on them, that's why I fell in love with her dresses.

I invested in her shop or more like my family invested in her dress shop. I plead a lot to my father and it took me a lot of ways before my father finally invested in Bellea Rosa Boutique. He used my one-year allowance for the investment which is I don't mind. After that, I helped Sally design more dresses. Since I have lots of knowledge about dresses because when I was in my previous world, I work as a sales lady on a famous boutique. I saw a lot of different dresses and I will use this knowledge for a better future.

I used Merliya to be my model since she has lots of banquets to attend, that's how the Bellea Rosa Boutique became the number one dress shop in the Flynn Kingdom.

"Are you giving this to me?" I asked.

"I know you are finally attending banquets, I thought that I need to make more dresses for you."

"*Chuckle* You don't need to, Sally. You don't have to pay attention to me, you can focus on your career. Your son needs to go to school and you need lots of money for that to happen."

Going to school is expensive. For a commoner, it will be difficult for them to go to school.

"I know but I always wanted to thank you for giving me this kind of life and for giving me the freedom to be successful. I want to make dresses for you as soon as you finally want to enter the social circle," Sally said as she put the box in my hand.

I accepted it since I know she will not stop pleading with me until the end if I don't accept it.

After that, she made me wear the new dress and it was beautiful. It's a peach color with a simple design but elegant. There are small pink roses attached to it as a design.

"You have to wear this on the day of the birthday of the king."

"Ok," I answered.

After that, we eat lunch at a famous restaurant.

I take out some food since I will visit those people.

Since I got lots of money from my boutique, I will use this money for them.

I hope they are fine. I haven't visited for so long.

After we eat, I said goodbye and quickly went shopping.

I bought dolls and animal wooden toys. I bought more meats, vegetables, and sweets. I also bought forty cloaks for them to wear when they go out. I also turned my pieces of jewelry into coins.

After buying everything I need, I walk towards the squatter area with Crase and my knights.

"It's Lady Melody! It's Lady Melody!" The children shouted as soon as they saw me.

The people quickly went out of their homes and quickly greeted me with their bright smiles.

"Lady Melody, we're happy to see you." Amigo kneeled in front of me like a knight.

Amigo is the leader of the guild of the information who also supports this squatter area.

When I was 9 years old, I was kidnapped by some thugs and I was brought to the squatter area. That's where I discover this place.

When I was on escape, I met Amigo who helped me run away from the kidnappers. In the process of running away, I saw the harsh life of the people in the squatter area. I couldn't help but want to help them. I already have Bellea Rosa Boutique at that time and since then my desire to make my business prosper became my number one goal. I draw and draw different designs. We mass-produced them and we even use auctions to get more money. The wedding dress that Sally designed gave me millions of gold coins since a lot of men and women bid on it.

Even the empress invested in my dress shop.

After I got millions of gold, I hid it and I will use it in the future after I got the trust of the people in the squatter area.

At first, they are very cold towards me. They glare at me and sometimes insult me but it doesn't affect me that much, since I know that I am not what they think of. Sometimes, they throw trashes at me, telling me to leave and how much noble people are disgusting but I didn't give up.

Even though they yell at me, insult me, hurt me, I'm not giving it up for them. I understand why they hate noble people. Some noble people only think of themselves, some of them are very greedy, and some of them only want pleasure. They never intended to help commoners. They only help a little so that the royal family won't be suspicious of them. That's why sometimes, I thought how stupid the royal family is. They rule the people but they don't even know that the cruel people around them are destroying their kingdom slowly.

Anyways, I had a hard time making them trust me. Even with the help of Amigo who always support them couldn't even convince them to trust me.

After a month, an epidemic hit the kingdom. I know this coming since the author mentioned this part of the story. I even know its cure. At first, I couldn't remember the name of the herb but luckily I remember its appearance since I search it on the internet.

Before the epidemic come, I already collected a lot of *** herbs.

The epidemic was spread so fast. Even the squatter area was affected especially the kids and the old ones.

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