=_=CHAPTER 23=_=

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I'm sorry for not updating for so long. I already warned you that this story will be updated slowly, if only I have free time.

I'm really sorry for not updating for so long. I prefer reading than writing stories so I tend to forget to update. I am currently not busy with my classes but I'll be honest with you, I'm more into reading and watching. I quickly felt tired writing the updates and I'm sorry if I'm a lazy author but I'm thankful for your support. God bless!


As morning comes, as always Melody spend her breakfast with her family then after that, she will check on the orphans and tell them another stories. After that, once a week or two times a week, Melody spend her time in her private training room to exercise and train the sword she hasn't master. When her training is done, she spend her whole time reading in her room or in the library.

Another night has come after 2 weeks...

The black rabbit, Pearl, snuggled on Melody's bed. Happily sleeping. She can't help but kiss her cheeks before looking outside.

Melody look at the bright moon outside the window. As always, the moon is the most beautiful to be seen on nighttime. Melody can't help but stare at it more. As she keeps on staring and thinking of different things in her life, Melody suddenly felt someone's presence. She saw a shadow on her window passing which of course scared her. She thought it's Ezrif but if Melody remember right, Ezrif will be gone for a months because he said to her that his family is facing a problem or more like his assassin organization is having war with another strong warrior organization. Melody knows that he is lying but she understand since no one should know that he is the leader of an assassin organization. For him to say that he went to his family, she knows he can't easily reveal his identity.

Then who is the person outside in her balcony?


No, Aero is also not here in the Flynn kingdom.

He also went to say goodbye to her just like what Ezrif did, visiting Melody in the middle of the night. Aero said, the crown prince gave him a very important mission and he doesn't know when will he be back.

Melody doesn't know that the crown prince was the one behind all of their missing presence in the kingdom. He wants to talk to Melody but she is a person who likes to stay inside and read books, it's rare for her to go out. The crown prince felt dejected that he can't catch a glimpse of her presence so he can't help but go out and watch her from distance but even her window is close or sometimes, she is always in the library to read or draw.

Melody tried to peek on the window but since she can't see it properly, she stood up and walk towards the window.

Huhuhu, Melody hope it's not a ghost. She love watching horror movies but experiencing it herself is something she doesn't want to experience at all.

She quickly hold a holy book that could weaken ghosts but when Melody peek on her terrace, she was shock when she saw the crown prince standing on her balcony.

Why is he here?

What is he doing here?

He seems thinking of something or more like reluctant to interrupt someone's sleep.

Why the heck is he here?

Does he want anything?

Does he want to insult me again?

Since I'm curious why the heck is he on my balcony then I will ask him directly.

How many men always sneak out just to see me? Ezrif and Aero, now the crown prince? Wow!

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