=_=CHAPTER 18=_=

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The wolves finally left because they are really hungry and they went to find another prey to feast on.

Finally, they can get down from the tree.

As soon as Aero helped Melody down, Ezrif quickly snatch her away. The two men glare at each other intensely.

Melody felt awkward seeing them fighting with their eyes again.

She can't help but sigh. "Do you know where are we?" Melody broke the intense atmosphere.

She looks around and saw that they went to the deep part of the forest.

"It seems we are lost. I haven't tried entering the deep part of the forest," the crown prince also looks around.

Aero and Ezrif checked the surroundings and indeed they are lost.

"Let's wait for the shadow knights of the king and the army knights. After the end of the event, I'm sure they will look for us," Aero said while crouching down and looking for the footprints but since it's a grassy land, footprints are nowhere to be found.

"First, let's find a cave where we can hide from the chilly night. I'm sure they will not find us quickly."

They agreed to Ezrif's suggestion. Ezrif holds Melody's hand and leads her the way.

Aero wants to stop Ezrif but he knows Ezrif is stronger than him. The one who can protect Melody properly is an assassin like Lord Ezrif. Although he is a shadow knight and he has the same ability as the assassins but compare to Ezrif, he is still weak.

His eyes suddenly look determined. He is determined to surpass Ezrif in terms of strength and ability.

After 2 hours of looking for a cave, they finally found a cave and it's near to the river of the forest.

They checked the cave first if there's a beast inside. They found poisonous insects and snakes. They quickly kill them all. Melody stood outside, waiting for them to finish the dangerous living beings in the cave.

"Melody, go inside the cave. We will try to find food to eat," Ezrif said as soon as he step outside from the cave.

"Ok..." Melody entered the dark cave.

"Ezrif and Aero will find food, I will cut some woods for making fire," the prince said.

The two men agreed with the plan and they quickly depart.

Melody stayed inside the cave. She places the sleeping rabbit in a comfortable position in her arms as she waits. She wants to help but she knows she will be a burden since Melody doesn't know what will happen to her outside the cave. It's better if she waits for them. She doesn't want to underestimate the wild animals here in an unknown forest and based on what other people say, the forest is full of wild beasts. It's better if Melody stays hidden and waits for the men.

The crown prince was the first to appear inside the cave. The two men hunted some meat for them to eat.

Melody helped the crown prince set up the woods. She also helped start a fire using a rock. After almost 15 minutes of rubbing the two rocks, finally, they successfully produce a fire.

All the time, they were focused on producing the fire that they didn't even notice how awkward their atmosphere is. Melody doesn't care, so she sat on the floor, closing her eyes. She forgot one thing, she must act clingy and shy towards the crown prince since Melody doesn't want him to be suspicious towards her but right now, her energy is all drained. She totally forgot her goal to avoid the crown prince's attention.

Trayvon also sat on the side of Melody, 1 meter away from her.

He can't help but stare at the tired Lady Melody.

Even she is currently dirty, her beauty still can be seen. He was once again attracted to her beauty.

"How did you attract Ez and Zero?" The crown prince suddenly asks which made Melody flinch a little bit. "Is it because of your beauty?" he whispered to himself. Luckily, Melody didn't hear it. If she heard it, she will definitely retaliate back.

She looks at the crown prince with a blank expression. She doesn't like that her sleep is being interrupted but since it's the crown prince who is speaking, she should swallow the irritation boiling inside her and answer his question politely.

She finally remembers that she must avoid his attention since in this part of the story, crown prince Trayvon wasn't completely in love with the female lead. Their love story is still at the beginning stage.

She cannot make a mistake at this time.

"Honestly, I don't know too, your highness. You were not attracted to me and I can't help but question why did they like me when you are not even interested in me?" Melody tried to shed tears and successfully, small tears fall down.

"Ezrif always told me that you're interesting. What's so interesting about you?" He stared at her, head to toe, making her feel scared.

No, your highness! I'm not interesting! I'm really boring! A super boring woman so please don't pay attention to me. You still have the female lead to chase so turn your interest to the heroine.

"I... I honestly don't know your highness. I... I'm indeed really boring. I... I...I'm sorry if I was a boring girlfriend to you in the past but... but I still like you, your highness. I couldn't forget you for these past few months but don't worry, I will try to move on and forget you. You and princess Ethalia are meant to be," Melody's eyes shine, remembering how exciting their love story is. She hopes she will see their love story.

She didn't know that her excitement will turn into a nightmare since even a little bit of change in the story will move everything in an uncertain direction.

The crown prince's eyes turned cold when she heard her name from Melody.

"Did you befriend her because of me?" Prince Trayvon asked coldly, making her wake up from her excitement.

"No... No! I don't dare, your highness. Princess Ethalia is my bestfriend. She's beautiful and she's super kind. I admire her very much and I also admire you. I don't dare on getting in your way with Princess Ethalia," she nervously said.

Prince Trayvon is still suspicious.

You can't blame him for being like that. He's currently being protective of the female lead and he doesn't trust women like Melody and all his ex-girlfriends.

The crown prince will eat all his words in the end. He will greatly regret that he keeps on looking down on her.

"*Sigh* I won't force you to believe me but I want his highness to know that Princess Ethalia is my best friend and I will never betray her. But first, before you show your distrust to me, why don't you find a way to make princess Ethalia fall in love with you? As far as I can see, Princess Ethalia is annoyed by your antics. She keeps on complaining to us," Melody was a little annoyed and she can't help but speak sarcastically to him.

She stood up and left, she don't want to talk to him anymore. He's annoying the hell out of her.

When she went out of the cave, Ezrif and Aero also arrive, dragging a boar.

"Why are you outside the cave?" Ezrif asked.

"I went out for fresh air."

"It's cold, let's go inside."

Melody followed them inside.

She fell asleep as she await for them to cook their hunts.


This is the only chapter I can finish. I'm really sorry for the slow update. I hope you understand. Thank you for waiting. Have a good day! Stay safe and healthy all the time! Fighting for everyone!

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