=_=CHAPTER 15=_=

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As the women and the king waited for the hunts to end, I excused myself to retrieve something on my carriage. Since it's boring waiting for an hour. It's much better if I get some fresh air.

Merliya and Princess Ethalia were too immersed in their chat that they let me go to my carriage without their hindrance. I thought they would come along but it seems, they are happy sitting and chatting than having their adventure.

Well, I understand that I'm different from these women in this world, especially from those noble women.

When I arrived at my carriage, I picked up the sketch papers that I brought.

I know that the hunt will be ongoing for 12 hours and since I don't want to chat all day long with Merliya and Ethalia, I brought my sketch papers.

I found a tree in the distance so I went there and sit there.

When I saw the beautiful scenery, my eyes couldn't help but sparkle. What a beautiful forest! I would love to draw this!

I excitedly start drawing the forest.

I happily and silently draw the scenery when suddenly a cute black rabbit bumps into my hand, making me let go of my pencil.

I was shocked when the cute black rabbit bit my pencil and run away.

Since that is my precious customize pencil and my father's gift for me, I quickly chased the rabbit.

"No! Please, give it back! Cute little rabbit, that's my precious pencil!" I shouted as I chase it, worried about my pencil.

When the rabbit entered the forest, I quickly stop and when I stop the rabbit also stop.

The rabbit looks at me before running away again with my pencil.

"Wait! Cute little rabbit, don't let me enter this dangerous forest!"

The hunt is still ongoing, an arrow will appear anywhere and if I enter the forest, I might be shot by someone. There are also bears and dangerous wild beasts here. As an ordinary noblewoman, of course, this is too scary for me. Even in my last life, I don't really like going out but I experienced entering a forest but it's a forest that is very safe and that was investigated carefully.

Even though I don't want to enter the dangerous forest, I still entered since I want to get it back.

"Cute little rabbit, please stop! Give it back, plea--- ah!" I exclaimed waiting for my fall but I didn't feel the pain. All I know, someone caught me.

I quickly look at the guy who caught me.

"Aero?" I was shocked when I saw the shadow guard of the king.

What is he doing here? He should be protecting the king.

Hmmm... For some reason, I haven't seen him that much.

In the past, like Ezrif, Aero also always suddenly appear in front of me but this past few weeks, he didn't appear again. Maybe, because he is the shadow guard of the king and he is busy protecting the king.

"Long time no see, Lady Melody?" he asked as he hold me in his arm, smiling gently.

"Long time no see Aero. Can... can you let go of me?" I said, blushing slightly. I can feel his hand on my waist and we are very close.

"You might fall again so we can stay like this, I don't want you to fall again," he said, straightly looking at me in the eyes. His looks made me look away while blushing hard. My gash, why is he so handsome?

"*Ehem* I won't fall again don't wo--- Oh no! My pencil! The rabbit stole my pencil!" I quickly tried to push him away, trying to look for that cute little black rabbit but he didn't let go of me. He even hugged me tightly in his arm. I was shocked by what he did.

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