=_=CHAPTER 14=_=

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"Are you ok, Ethalia?" Melody asked as she look at the sad Ethalia.

"I'm fine... I'm just remembering my life in the Zycke Kingdom."

Melody smiled gently, remembering how much pain Ethalia experienced and now she is suddenly experiencing happiness in the enemy's territory. She hopes that Ethalia will stop giving information to the king in the Zycke Kingdom.

"You feel like they abandoned you, right?" Melody asked casually which made Ethalia flinch. "After all, they throw you here to the Flynn Kingdom as a hostage. They sold you here but *pause* haven't you thought about it? That you are lucky to be put in here? Can't you see that the Flynn Royal Family is much better than your royal family?" Melody asked while smiling gently. She gently grabbed her and squeeze it so many times which made Ethalia blush.

"You know what, Ethalia. I kind of know what's your parents' attitude, that's why I could talk like this and based on what you said earlier to us, your family treated you really bad. Am I right?"

Ethalia paused before slowly nodding.

"You might think I'm speaking arrogantly but what I can only say, savor the happiness you are feeling right now. Think of the present and do not think much about your past. While you are here, forget about your life in the past and enjoy your present time, You don't have to mind them and collect more memories while you are here. Your highness, princess Ethalia Miya Fronze, I have a question. Are you happy?"

Ethalia's eyes got wet, staring at the gentle eyes of Melody. "En," she nodded. "I'm very happy with you and how the Flynn royal family treated me. The people here are so kind and I'm very happy," she hugged Melody as she cry all the feelings she's been stuffing inside her.

After she cried so much, suddenly the butler appeared again, telling them that Lady Merliya came back.

They teased Ethalia a lot because she's the reason why the crown prince ordered the duke family to agree on letting their daughter, Merliya to sleep over at Melody's home.

For the whole night, they share about their sad life and also shared the happy memories they have.

It was a very memorable night.


The "Hunt Royal Family" begins, it's a very large event where princes, princesses, and other aristocrats participate to hunt for beasts in the forest. This event is also for women who are trying to find their prospective husbands.

Women's role is to watch and wait for the men to give them their hunts. It's also kind of an event to increase their reputation and the more they caught for you, the more it will spread your name fast and the more popular you are.

Well, there are some cases when other women can't get hunts from noblemen, to prevent being embarrassed, they hired knights to gain popularity.

Ethalia, Merliya, Melody, and their friends are sitting at one table while drinking tea. They watched the knights and princes on their way to the forest.

The hunt is starting...

The crown prince, Trayvon, walks in our direction. Merliya and I smiled ear to ear as we teasingly looked at Ethalia.

Ethalia only glared at us before she look at the smiling crown prince.

Prince Trayvon kneeled in front of princess Ethalia. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"I will surely win your heart, Princess," he said after he kissed her hand.

The other women screamed and others giggled from this romantic scene.

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