=_=CHAPTER 19=_=

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As we wait for the royal knights to fetch us, we silently sat on the ground. Ezrif and Aero are busy cutting the meats while Prince Trayvon and I sat on the corner, waiting for the food to be ready.

I feel very awkward sitting here with the prince and since I don't want to talk to him, I stood up and watch Ezrif and Aero cooking the meats.

"It'll be more delicious if we add some seasonings," I suggested.

"Sadly, there are no seasonings. You should bear with the taste of the food," Ezrif answered as he rub my head.

"I have seasonings here though."

I run towards my bag and grabbed the seasonings in my bag.

I give it to them. I look at them and I saw the confused look on their face.

"Hehehe, I love cooking and it's a hobby of mine that when I go to a forest, I always bring seasonings," I answered the question they haven't asked.

"*Chuckle* Ok, thank you for the seasonings," Ezrif rubbed my head again, making me blush.

"Your welcome."

I went back to my position, 1 meter away from the prince.

Hooo, it's really cold.

I rubbed my hand and then I stretch my hand to the fire and then I will rub it again.

I was startled when I saw the crown prince draping a coat on my shoulder.

"Wear this..." Prince Trayvon said, trying not to look in my way.

"Thank you, your highness."

I happily wear the coat.

Hehehe, at least he is still a human being.

After 1 hour of waiting for the food, we finally ate happily.

"You can eat mine if you're still hungry," Aero handed the meat in his hand.

"No, you can eat it. I'm already feeling full," I politely refused.

I'm indeed full because Ezrif and Aero keep on giving me food. As soon as I finish one meal, they will quickly stuff me with another meat.


"Why don't you tell us a story as we wait?" Ezrif suddenly said when we finished all the meats.

"Huh? Story?"

"I know you like telling stories."

"I... I don't know. I can't think of anything."

"What about the story of the lion king?"

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"I heard you telling it to the kids. I didn't finish listening to it because of some emergency."

I agreed with his suggestion since I also want to tell stories. I imagine this kind of scene and telling stories is my number one list.

They were very intrigued listening to it.

Even Prince Trayvon can't help but stay awake and listen to her unique different stories. It's new and unique, especially about the lion king. He can't help but imagine his father also died at a young age, can he bear the crown? Some questions pop out of his mind.

"Where did you get all these stories? Where did they come from?" Prince Trayvon asked.

"It was from an old friend. When I was a kid, she likes telling stories and all of the stories I mentioned came from this old friend."

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