=_=CHAPTER 25=_=

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In the office of the crown prince in the palace...

"*Chuckle* Hahahahaha, Lady Melody is really trying me. Another three weeks of ignoring me. She won't even open her balcony. Even if I call her, she'll use every excuse to avoid me. Why have I missed this kind of woman? This is truly fascinating," Prince Trayvon said as he talk to himself while smiling and laughing like a fool.

The shadow knight who is reporting about Lady Melody was scared by the evil-like appearance of the crown prince. He wants to exit as soon as possible but the crown prince keeps on talking to himself with a scary smile.

Another three weeks passed, and Lady Melody did her best to avoid the crown prince even sacrificing her health.

Prince Trayvon keeps on asking for an audience with her. When the day she received the invitation, she quickly took an ice bath until she got a cold, making her sick for 1 week. After that, the crown prince used another noblewoman so she can invite Lady Melody to this noble woman's tea party which is being held in the palace. For Melody, it's so obvious that it's the prince's scheme so she made herself fall on the stair of the library. In the process, the wooden stairs fall towards her, making her injured which is only a pure accident. She didn't expect the wooden stairs to fall toward her. The wooden almost hit her head and she quickly tried to avoid it but the stair hit her legs making her unable to walk for weeks.

When the crown prince heard that, he was very worried so she can't force her to do anything just for his sake.

2 weeks have passed of trying to avoid him, he called for her again but then he suddenly discovers that she run away to have a vacation for a reason but prince Trayvon knows that she is avoiding him. He can't help but laugh loudly after listening to the report of his shadow knight.

"*Chuckle* If you keep on running away, I will keep on trying to capture you," the crown prince whispered to himself as he smile wickedly.

The shadow knight watching him can't help but shudder at the crown prince's expression.

'I wish for you to live longer, lady Melody,' the shadow knight can't help but wish for her well-being.


"Lady, do you really need to take a vacation on a very far island?" lady Melody's personal maid, Crase, asked as she hold her hat to prevent it from flying because of the strong wind.

"Of course, I need to have peace and running--- I mean having a vacation is the best solution," Melody said as she accept the wind.

Crase definitely notices the running away from her words.

"Running away from what? From whom?"

From the annoying, jerk, playboy of a crown prince, you silly girl.

"What running away? You must have misheard it," Melody ignored Crase's not-believing-you-look'.

"Is this about the crown prince?" Crase asked.

"What? What crown prince? Why did you suddenly think of the crown prince?" Melody asked nervously. Did they notice anything?

"We've been receiving his letters, asking about your well-being, or invitations to his friend's parties. Isn't it obvious that he's interested in you?"

"Hahahaha, that must be your imagination," Melody ignored her maid's suspicious look to her.

"Lady Melody, you're very smart for your moves just to avoid the crown prince, but risking your health and even letting yourself wounded just because of wanting to avoid him is not a good idea. You made us worried sick. Now, you suddenly want to have a vacation. His lord(your father) and her lady (your mother) are very worried,"

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