=_=CHAPTER 6=_=

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2 months have passed...

The time for the story begins today!

Ooooohhhhh, I'm very very very very excited to meet the heroine! I'm totally going to make sure to watch their first meeting. How beautiful she is? I wonder... I hope I can see it soon.

"Melody, I've been wanting to ask this question." my mom said while drinking her tea with elegance.

"What is it, mother?"

"This past few months, why are you suddenly interested in going to different banquets? Especially on this day, I could see how excited you are. You even prepared a custom-made dress." my mom explained her worries.

"Do you remember the time when you even threatened me to go to his highness banquet?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered.

"I started feeling interested in it. I meet a lot of people and saw how people act in a noble society and the palace is really beautiful, that's why I was interested in going to a banquet." I lied without batting an eye.

I can't just say 'I wanted to go to banquet from now on since I'm done with the crown prince. I mean we became girlfriend and boyfriend then he broke up with me after one week. I am so happy that my part in this story is done and I should just watch from the sideline.' I can't say anything like that.

"Oh, I see. That's good my baby girl. Now, I can show how beautiful my daughter is." she said with her sparkling eyes. She begins cursing other people and at the same time praising me. "The people who always mock me about having a daughter who doesn't go out to society. The people who always scolded you, I will let them see how great my daughter is. She's the smartest, brightest, loveliest, kindest, coolest, obedient daughter ever live in this world. How dare they mock my amazing daughter? Hmph, I will slap them---" and her ranting began.

I chuckle at my cute mom as I silently drank my tea.

After chatting and drinking tea with my mom, we went inside the mansion to get ready for the banquet.

I will finally see her! The beautiful female lead! 

After 3 hours have passed...

I arrive at the banquet with my mother and father. My little brother stayed at home since he can't still attend an adult's banquet.

Everyone is looking at me again. The men look at me like I'm some fine dessert to be eaten while the women glare at me.

"Her dress is really beautiful!" one of the women said.

"Isn't that the new release dress of 'Bellea Rosa Boutique?"

"Really? I also remember it! I was so excited that time when I saw it, I really want to wear it the moment I saw it but they said only VIP 1 can wear it then it depends on the boss if they want to release it for the other noblewomen to wear."

"Lady Melody Clionte is actually a VIP 1 of that shop? How truly surprising and delightful!"

"She's really beautiful in that dress!"

Their scornful eyes toward me suddenly started sparkling. I feel awkward since I could feel that they are admiring me after glaring at me but I don't need them to admire me but I want them to admire my dress.

Bellea Rosa Boutique is my own shop. This sky blue dress that I'm wearing is my design or more like the design from my previous world. Sorry for copying it but I want everyone to know how beautiful the dresses are and that it's from my previous world.

(Author: The picture above the chapter is her current dress. I'm bad at explanation so feast your eyes on her dress. Hehehehe, forgive me for my lack of explanation and description. Disclamation: The design of the dress is not mine. I got it from our resourceful google.com. The credits all go to the one who owns the dress.)

"I will go and greet the king and his queen." my father said before he excuses himself.

My mother introduces me to her friends. She keeps on boasting about her daughter that made me feel awkward.

After talking to them for a while or more like talking to their son to make me choose who I'm going to marry, I politely left which my mother doesn't mind. Those noblewomen wants to talk to me more but I quickly left before they can stop me.

I really want to get away from them, they suffocating me a lot.

While I was walking away and not looking on my way, I bump into someone. Ouch, my nose that's painful!

"Your... Your highness!" I quickly bowed.

Uggh! Of all men, I will bump into, why him? *Curse*

"Lady Clionte, nice to see you again." he smiles brightly. I could only smile awkwardly.

"It's... It's nice to see you again too." I answered while I lowered my head not daring to look into his eyes. His cold and calculating eyes are scaring the hell out of me.

Huhuhuhu! Where are you my beautiful female lead?

Come and get him out of my sight!

"Why are you not looking at me?" he asked, amused by her expression.

"You are too handsome, your highness and I might faint like others. I don't want to embarrass myself."

Uggh! I want to puke by what I said. I can actually say something like this??? It's disgusting, honestly!

"*Chuckle* Really? I think you're just scared of me." the moment he said that I look at him in the eyes which took him by surprise.

I acted blushing and I look down quickly.

"See... see? I can't look at you properly." I acted like I'm blushing really hard and I'm fidgeting a lot.

I heard him click his tongue, obviously disappointed again. "Lady Clionte, you are still boring. Well, if you'll excuse me." then he left quickly while I just gave him a grin.

Sorry not sorry, your highness. Being boring in your eyes is my goal after all. Thank you for telling me that.

I walk away, walking towards the empty balcony.

I breathe the fresh air. I look at the most relaxing scenery. The garden in the palace is really beautiful.

When will the female lead arrive? If I remember right, she was late and that's how she got the attention of the prince but then he was rejected making him so interested in her. This party is for her, why is she late?

While she is busy watching the stars shining brightly in the dark knight, she didn't notice a man standing behind her.

He can't help but stare at this very beautiful scene. Her light brown hair swayed along with her beautiful sky-blue dress. Her green gem-like eyes looking at the stars and the big moon. It was the most beautiful scene he ever scene.

It was peaceful making him smile.

He slowly walks towards her while smiling with a glint in his sky blue eyes.

"Wha.. at?" she is shocked seeing a hand on the stone rail, blocking her way. She was given space to turn around to face the person who suddenly appeared behind her.

"E... Ezrif?" she called after seeing the man with white hair and beautiful blue eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Prisoning you?" he said with his seductive eyes. He looks at her like she's his prey.

Ezrif Blaine Remington, the second male lead of this novel. The man who I met two months ago, who keeps on following and bothering me. In short, he's annoying the hell out of me. The one thing I don't like the most is he keeps on seducing me like what he's doing to me right now. He always pins me on the wall then he will suddenly whisper to my ears making me blush.

When I remember those times, I really want to kick him and throw him in the trash.

In the novel, he is not like this to the female lead. He only watches her from distance, protecting her secretly. Her kindness and positive attitude made all the men go crazy around her especially the male leads. Ezrif is one of those male leads, he is the unfortunate second male lead.

In the novel, Ezrif is the best friend of the crown prince and also he is the leader of an assassin organization. The crown prince knows that his best friend is an assassin but he didn't know that he is the leader of the most dangerous assassin organization.

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