=_=CHAPTER 17=_=

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A pack of wolves surrounds us.

Ezrif quickly unsheathed his sword as he hid me behind his back.

Cold sweat flows over my head as I look at the scary wolves.

"Don't move, Melody," Aero ordered as he also unsheathed his sword. The crown prince also followed their action.

They surround me, protecting me from the dangerous wolves.

I silently hid behind them, not making any noise so they won't attack us because of me.

The wolves slowly move forward as they watch their prey.

When the wolves attacked us after receiving the signal of their leader, the three men also started attacking us but it's not easy killing them because of me. I became a burden, they couldn't attack them freely since I'm behind them and they keep on protecting me.

I don't dare to move and I don't dare to shout or do any foolish actions.

When a wolf leaped towards me, I quickly picked a rock and throw it at the wolf but it doesn't hurt so it still tried to attack me. With my adrenaline working very well, I don't know what happened but I kicked it away and it was thrown on the ground limping from pain.

I could hear Ezrif's laugh as he slice the wolf who attacked me.

Why the heck are you laughing when I'm on verge of collapsing from fear?

"*Chuckle* You're really brave," he said before proceeding on slicing every wolf.

I thought the end of the fight will end soon but another pack of wolves appeared with another strong alpha behind them.

The three men can't help but curse.

Ezrif quickly wants to pick me to run but I stopped him.

"Don't worry, I can run," I said before I grabbed my heels.

"Let's run!" I exclaimed and I grabbed Ezrif's hand before quickly taking off to somewhere.

Aero and Trayvon also followed suit.

Trayvon stared at the shocking sight of a noblewoman; running barefoot and wearing a heavy gown.

Even though she is wearing a heavy gown, she's a good runner.

Melody has been good at running since she was a kid even in her previous life, she's very fast when it comes to running.

In this life, Melody has been working out at her home. She would exercise daily and sometimes hold a sword. So, if there's a time where no one can protect her, she can protect herself. As a modern woman, she believes that a woman can also do what men can do.

She's not really good at the sword, she won't deny that but she is good at martial arts. In her previous life, she joined a lot of sparring tournaments, though she didn't win the championship, 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, and she's not the best, at least she knows how to protect herself.

Ezrif and Aero were shocked that she can actually fight and she can protect herself. What an unusual woman.

They have been observing her and watching her silently in the dark but they have never seen her train.

They have never seen her because she's been training in a hidden training room at her home.

Now, they knew. She's an extraordinary woman.

Even Trayvon couldn't believe that the woman he dated once is actually very different from other women.

If ever Melody heard this from the prince, she will definitely say 'It's not like I'm rare, you're mom is also very strong. She was once a knight before she became an empress. Your mom is stronger than me. What I learned is just for self-defense and to run away from any danger.'

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