=_=CHAPTER 13=_=

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"Why do I feel like you are very used to seeing naked men?" Ezrif asked while staring at me with coldness. It made me flinch when I saw how cold his eyes are. "Have you seen other men's bodies?"

"NO!" I quickly stood up after closing the first-aid kit.

I walked backward, trying to keep our distance.

"Melody, tell me honestly..." he tried to walk towards me but I quickly run and arrive in front of my door.

"You quickly go home or else I'll call the knights and report you," I said, nervous from his cold aura and cold eyes.

I couldn't look at him.

I know he's drinking vinegar and men who are jealous are very dangerous so let's keep our distance.

I slowly look at him and I was stunned when I saw him looking at the ground very cold. He is angry.

He is very angry, I can feel it. Oh my gosh, I have to quickly run away!

"You... You... Don't... Don't be angry. I... I have treated other men but... Wait! Why am I explaining to you? We are not a couple so you can't ask about my personal life. Well, if... if you'll excuse me." then I quickly open the door and run away as quickly as possible.

*Breath of relief* That was scary! Ezrif is scary when he is angry.

Let's... Let's keep our distance for... in the meantime. I think he might do something to me if he saw me again.

Huhuhu! Why is Ezrif doing this to me?

He is really scary when he is jealous.

After I put the first-aid kit in its proper place. I went back to my room.

I'm thankful that he's not here in my room anymore but he left a letter.

"Dear my Melody,

I will talk to you about those men in the future when I saw you again. I will cure my wounds first before I will find you again. I'm sorry for scaring you earlier. I am very possessive, Melody.

Sleep tight, my lady."

I gulped after reading it.

I burned it and throw it in the trash.

That... that man! How... How could he scold me? Possessive? Why are you jealous when we are not even in a relationship?

I slapped my head.

How could this happen to me?

How did I attract him so much?

Am I digging my own grave?


Tomorrow comes and I invited Merliya and Ethalia to play with me so I could forget that possessive Ezrif.

We went to the home of the kids that my family is taking care of.

It's the first time Ethalia meets the kids.

She is very fond of kids and they played a lot. The kids like Ethalia very much and it's also because she's very beautiful. Merliya also had fun playing with the kids.

After that, I started telling a story about Cinderella and to make it more exciting, I danced with Merliya and Ethalia. The kids also dance the waltz with other kids and we laughed a lot. Along the way, I slowly forgot about Ezrif.

Melody didn't notice that someone is watching them the whole time. It's not Ezrif Blaine Remington or Aero Felix Remmelle but it's none other than Trayvon Clyde Flynn. Yes, it's the crown prince. The man whom Melody doesn't want to bump the most but now he is standing on the branch of the tree, watching every action of Melody. Confused about why she is so different when they were dating in the past.

Reincarnation: The Play Boy Crown PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now