=_=CHAPTER 26=_=

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Hello, readers! Good day! Here's the update you are waiting for.

I was very surprised when I saw chapter 25 and I recently posted it, I was very surprised when a lot of people view it, read it, voted, and commented on it. I never thought a lot of readers is waiting for this story. I really appreciate it, thank you.

Thank you for always waiting patiently and reading it even if I'm slow at updating. Thank you very much!

Here's chapter 26, have fun reading!


All night long, we keep on talking about that stupid crown prince. 

They keep on asking me about what happened and how did he discover that I've been lying to the crown prince. I told them maybe he heard me when I'm chatting with them.

They quickly apologized to me but I know it's not their fault, it's my fault. I'm too careless and that's why he found out.

How stupid! I am really stupid!

"What about Sir Ezrif and Sir Aero? Do they know?" Merliya asked playfully which made me roll my eyes.

"No, I don't think so, I haven't seen them for almost 2 months. Maybe, they are very busy. I hope they are always busy especially the prince," I gritted my teeth because of the boiling anger I feel in my heart. He's so annoying!

What a jerk! How dare he change his target so quickly? Uggh, he's making me stressed when I think of him.


The just-risen sun shone softly on the town square, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. People start opening their windows to start a new day. Some people start opening their shops and are preparing to start selling their delicious foods and different products.

On this seems joyous day and with bright light coming from the sun, a shadow under the bright light passes through like a wind. No one notices this suspicious shadow. He walks through the rooftop with speed and does not even make any tiny sounds. He seems alarmed by something or someone, rushing towards the direction of the palace.

The moment Ezrif heard that Melody is being chased by the famous playboy crown prince, he quickly got worked up and rash toward the Flynn Kingdom. Even though he was almost finished with his task, he brought all the documents and reports he was tasked to get for the crown prince. Most of the investigation is done so he quickly rash toward Melody to save his future woman from other wolves. He won't deny that he is a very possessive man and he won't give Melody that easily.

The crown prince gave up on her in the first place, it's his choice to let go of Melody. Now, he suddenly wants her back? The prince is really something.

Ezrif is indeed close to the crown prince but now he wants to give up on their friendships if he plans to steal the woman he dreams of.

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