=_=CHAPTER 3=_=

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"Then your highness, I'll excuse myself. I think my mother is going to look for me." Then I bow politely before I left.

Now, I'm free!!! I should quickly go home! I will tell mother that I want to go home and run away from that prince. 

The crown prince look at the back of Melody who is getting far away from his sight. He is smiling but his eyes are actually really cold.

"Your highness, you attracted another lady and she's quite a beauty." A man with his beautiful white hair, adding the luminance of the moon, looks like a beautiful picturesque. His blue gem-like eyes look at the crown prince with playfulness.

"Ez, it's you. When did you make your appearance?"

"Since a long time ago, I'm watching you with your new woman. So, what do you think about Lady Clionte?"

The crown prince walk towards the rail of the balcony before he answered his question.

"Another woman who can't reject me. She's just like other women. *Sigh* I thought she's different because she rarely goes out but when she saw me, she's just like other women." the crown prince look at the moon while thinking about life.

"Really? I don't think so." the white-haired man stood next to the crown prince also looking at the beautiful large moon.

"What do you mean?" the crown prince curiously looks at his best friend Ez.

"If she is really interested in you, she won't run away from you so fast. The way she left you here, I could see in her eyes how much she wants to run away," he remember the frantic expression of Melody when she left. He also remembers their talks and he's been observing her hand, you can see how much she's boiling from anger by clenching her hand really hard. He also saw her roll her eyes when the crown prince was not looking at her. It seems he has been watching in the dark and Melody is not aware of that.

He looks at the crown prince who has been looking at him, still curious to what he said. He smiled, 'It's better not to tell him anything, that will be more interesting to watch but why Lady Clionte is acting? Why she didn't reject the crown prince?'

The crown prince saw that his friend doesn't want to add anything to what he said so he just ignore it. Maybe he saw wrong. He thought that all girls are the same. They are annoying and greedy for power. They are greedy to be the next queen.

"Well, let's just see if she is really different." the crown prince said before he walk away and went back to the banquet.


The day has come for their date, they met in the jewelry shop. 

Melody keeps her acts, acting clingy to the male lead. She will blush whenever he said sweet things to her. She will act shy every time they are close. She does everything to act like a flirty girl to the crown prince.

His interest to know if his best friend said was true but it seems for him, his best friend saw was wrong. He thought Melody is just like other girls who chased him because of his face and status. He hates women like her but he doesn't know that all her actions were all an act. There are times when she acts herself but the crown prince only notices her negative side that he hates which of course made Melody really happy.

When the date ends, Melody excitedly went home, feeling happy that the crown prince has lost his interest in her more.

I'll keep on doing this for 1 week so he will truly break up with me after 1 week. I hope until the end, he will never notice the real me.

I know that I look like a bitch playing with the crown prince but he is also playing with me and I just don't want the crown prince to get interested in me before he meets the heroine. I refuse to destroy the plot of the story. They are meant to be and that's a fact.

I know that I'm acting like a woman who thinks too much but I'm doing this because I just want to be careful. I will play my role and along the way watch the heroine and the male lead's love story. After all, reading and watching it yourself are different matters. It's more exciting to watch.

1 week has passed...

In the gazebo...

"Let's break up..." the crown prince said coldly towards her.

Yes! It's the time! It's time to break up! It's time for my freedom!

Melody celebrated in her thoughts but she didn't show it on her face. She acted like she was shock and hurt.

"Your highness, what do you mean?" I ask while trying to hide the pain in my face but I couldn't hide it. My body tremble and I tried to hide it by hiding my hands.

What perfect acting! Don't you think so?


"You must have heard about my notorious deeds, right? You know that I break up with a woman after 1 week and then change to another woman. You are just like the other women, I just want to play with you."

"Bu-but you said you like me. You said how much you like me? You said I will be your queen? Is that all a lie?" She acted like she's going to cry but in her heart, it's celebrating.

"Ha! And you believe that? Let's not talk more, I should go but let me tell to you directly. You are boring so that's why I broke up with you!" Then he quickly left while I tried to catch up to him but I stop.

"Your highness..." I shouted at him but he didn't even look back and left quickly.

When he is out of my sight, I started crying like I'm really broken hearted. I want to laugh for my freedom but I know that the crown prince's shadow knight is watching from the dark. 

In the story, the crown prince is maybe a playboy but actually, he is also a good crown prince. He has shadow knights that he commands and he uses them for his kingdom. He spies on people; to get information, to observe the situation of the society, to observe if there's an anomaly happening, and also to protect the citizen in the dark. He is a jerk when it comes to women but I couldn't deny that he is indeed a good crown prince. He has the strong affinity to become the next king.

So, the question is, why is the shadow knight of the crown prince watching me in the dark? 

It is to prevent his ex-girlfriends to go and suicide. It happens in the story once. In the past, his 3rd girlfriend was very interesting to him so their relationship last for 2 weeks. It was a long relationship he have but after 2 weeks, he lost his interest in that 3rd girlfriend. I still remember their story, it was interesting that's why I still remember it.

The crown prince date that woman for 2 weeks. Their first meeting was just like the situation of the female lead and the male lead, that woman rejected the crown prince. He quickly got interested in her but after 1 day, suddenly they became boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't know the details but that's what happens. I think they made a deal that's why their relationship sailed. 

Well, let's fast forwards the story. The reason she rejected him, it's because she doesn't know that he is the crown prince. She later knows it when 1 week has passed. Knowing that she met her fortune, she started seducing the crown prince by acting like a white lotus bitch. At first, the crown prince was falling into her trap but his number one trusted shadow knight told him for what he discovered.

Of course, it made him so angry that he wants to kill that woman but he restrain himself and just quickly break up with her. But the problem is his 3rd girlfriend has actually fallen in love with the crown prince. She thought that their relationship sailed and the crown prince really treasured her which made her think too much. She's a delusional woman who believes that the crown prince is truly in love with her. The crown prince is actually started liking her but that's it. It's not love, it's just the first stage of love. He can quickly change that to hatred.

Anyways, when they talk and the crown prince faced her with so many hurtful words, it broke her heart so much that she planned to go and suicide. Well, she was saved by the crown prince and because of that, that woman was delusional again. She became a stalker of the crown prince, she will send a lot of letters, and she will hurt any woman who get near to him. Because of her crimes, she was locked up in the jail of crazy and delusional people.

He met more women who wants to go and suicide after breaking up with him. To prevent that from happening, he ordered his shadow knight to watch out for his ex-girlfriends after breaking up with those women. At least, he knows what he must do.

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