=_=CHAPTER 16=_=

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Author's Message:

Konichiwa, minna-sama! You noticed that I rarely update, right? I'm sorry for that. I'm busy because it's the end of the semester and I have lots of exams to take. So, I wish you could wait for the mass update after my exam but I think I can only update next year daily. December is the month for freedom, it means vacation!!! Wooohooo! Welcome freedom!

I will try to update more sooner, so I hope for your patience, thank you. :)


As I was flustered by what he said, I didn't notice that I'm in his arms again.

"I like you, no, I love you for a long time, Lady Melody. From the day I saw you laughing with those orphan kids, I fall hard on you. Lady Melody, I know you're thinking why I confessed to you because I know that lord Remington is also chasing you. I don't want to be left behind, so I want to fight too. If he wants you, I want you too."

I couldn't say anything to what he said. I'm too nervous to say anything.

"Lord Ezrif Blaine Remington is an amazing and powerful man, I know that. Lady Melody, please give me a chance to express my feelings for you. I also want to get close to you just like how close Lord Remington is to you."

I coughed since he is confessing to me so abruptly and so bold right now and it makes me speechless.

I'm weak when it comes to confession but it's not easy to sway me.

"Lady Melody, I want to court you."


Melody and Aero look at the man who shouted Aero's other name with anger in his voice.

Ezrif???? Oh my, why is he here?

Melody gulped when she saw the angry Ezrif.

He walked towards us and snatch me away from Aero.

"Zero?" Melody asked, suddenly was hit by a realization.

Zero Bryan Jerethro??? THE 4th MALE LEAD? The number one shadow guard of the crown prince?

Did he lie to me?

He said he is the shadow guard of the king.

Why did he lie to me?

He didn't want me to know that the crown prince is still observing me?

Does Aero know about what I did to the crown prince?

Don't tell me... Does the crown prince know that it's all an act???

But thinking of the crown prince's action, he seems unaware of my real feelings for him.

Aero, oh no! I hope he didn't say anything weird to the crown prince about me.

Huhuhu, Aero! You should have told me that you are his shadow guard. If only I knew, I took a measure. I hope the crown prince doesn't know about my real purpose of agreeing of dating him.

But why did he lie to me?

Why he didn't tell me?

What was his purpose in hiding his identity?

Well, he is a shadow guard. I understand that he shouldn't reveal his true identity because that is one of the rules they should follow but why he didn't hide his real name? If I remember right, his real name is Aero and Zero is a code name or more like a fake name to hide his real identity.

We're friends, right? Why did he lie?

Ok, why am I getting angry?

We don't know each other that much, even if he lied, it doesn't matter.

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