=_=CHAPTER 10=_=

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Melody forced him to join the birthday party.

The kids happily played with him.

They rode on his back, arms, and legs. Aero is very strong and he can carry 5 kids like a piece of cake.

Lady Melody laughed a lot as she look at them. Seeing her laugh because of him made him feel very happy.

He played with the kids more until they fall asleep.

Even Lady Melody slept with them. She looks really tired.

Seeing her sleeping so peacefully made him feel peaceful too. He carried her and brought her to her room.

Before he left, he stare at her for almost an hour.

He didn't notice that the way he looked at her is like he is looking at his lover.

He rubbed her head. "I'm going to see you again after I'm done with my new task," he said while looking at her sleeping face.

"I hope you can wait for me." he reluctantly left her.

He close the window before he disappeared from her room.

He said he will come back but this past 2 months, he is too busy to visit her again making him very annoyed. He visits her from time to time in these 2 months but he can't stay long since there's so much work to do. It made him frustrated since he can't talk to her and stay by her side.

It seems his loyalty is turning to somewhere else.

He went to see her again before the banquet but he saw someone unexpected.

Ezrif Blaine Remington, why is he with Lady Melody?

Why is he so close to her? Why is he holding her like that?

He wants to interrupt them but then he felt that the crown prince is looking for him so he reluctantly left.

It seems Ezrif also likes her. He doesn't like it one bit.

The banquet comes and he is so happy to see her wearing a very beautiful sky blue dress. She is the only one that he can see. It's like she's the only person in the banquet hall.

He followed her until on the balcony. He wants to go and talk to her but he saw Ezrif again and seduces her again.

Seeing her blushing made him feel a pang on his heart.

He doesn't like this feeling at all. It seems he is really falling hard on Lady Melody even though they talked only once. What a strong attraction he is feeling!

It seems so fast. If Melody knows what she has done to him unconsciously. She doesn't know that Aero has been following her for the past two months. He saw her beautiful diamond heart and he can't help but fall in love with her.

He knows he wants her but he knows he couldn't have her.

*End of Flashback*

"Does she still like me that's why she followed us?" the crown prince ask feeling annoyed by Lady Melody.

For some reason, Aero felt annoyed by the crown prince's comment." As I was observing her from the dark, it seems she is only watching on the sideline. I couldn't see any jealousy in her eyes."

He wants to sarcastically say, "She doesn't like you one bit, your highness. So, don't think too much."

"Then why is she following us?"

That's his question too. He thought she still likes his highness but when he saw how she glare then roll her eyes at the crown prince. It made him chuckle.

It seems she hates the crown prince very much. For that reason, he felt satisfied.

"It seems she is looking for something but then she saw you both so she followed you. If I may say, she must be curious about your conversation with the princess. I also think that Lady Melody is more interested in Princess Ethalia than you your highness."

"Why do you say that?"

"She is admiringly looking at her. She must be attracted to her beauty."

Aero has been looking at Lady Melody so what he said is true. She is indeed looking at the princess. She looks at her like she is worshipping the princess.

"I see, keep on observing her. A woman like her is scary. She might hurt the princess." then he walks away.

Aero took the chance to glare at him.

How dare he say that? Lady Melody is nothing like that! She's the most beautiful and kind-hearted woman he ever saw!

Trayvon (the crown prince) looks at the kneeling Aero since he felt that someone is glaring at him. Aero quickly look down before he could notice his angry expression. Aero left the crown prince and happily followed Lady Melody.

It seems the task he loves the most is following Lady Melody. He will forgive the crown prince in the meantime.

His loyalty is really turning to somewhere else.

The banquet ended when the time strike to midnight and so everyone left the banquet hall.

Lady Melody happily rides the family's carriage.

Her mother noticed her sparkling eyes.

"Why do you look so happy? Did something happen in the banquet?" Melody's mother asked.

"Yes, I just met new friends."

Well, she didn't lie. She really met her new friends. They like books just like her so they have lots to talk about and it entertains her a lot. Even Merliya, the villainess in this novel joins the talk. I'm happy that she also made friends just like me. We all have the same topics so it was quite exciting.

I also met the female lead and their first scene with that annoying male lead. Now, I could see their lovey-dovey life. If I want to watch them without making them suspicious of me, I must befriend Ethalia but the question is how?

I don't want to disrupt the story after all. I don't want to destroy it with just one wrong move but yeah, I suddenly remember Ezrif. I already destroyed their story. Can it even go back to the track?

I hope Ezrif's feelings to me won't disrupt the story because I feel like I'm a sinner who changes the plot that I love. Huhuhu! What did I do?

Is this my fault? I know that I also change the direction of Merliya's life but I didn't regret saving her. Merliya is just an abandoned child. She just wants to be loved but the duke family is indeed cruel towards her.

Anyways, even if Merliya's attitude changed, I think the story will still go on.

When I saw the female lead and the male lead's interaction, I know that their story is right on track but we don't know what will happen since I already pulled Merliya away. Even Ezrif, his story change because of me. I only hope that when he was injured, I hope he will meet and fall in love with the female lead just like how the original story.

We arrive at home and we were greeted by my little brother who quickly jumps towards me and hugs my waist.

I could only laugh at him and rub his head. We sleep together.

This day is the most beautiful day ever except the time when I met Ezrif on the balcony.

When will he stop seducing me? I really hope he falls in love with Ethalia but at the same time, I don't want him to get hurt.

In the novel, he died protecting the female lead and he never said his feelings towards her. I cried so much because his love life is so unfortunate.

I want the story to get back on track but I don't know, I don't want Ezrif to get hurt or die. After all, I accepted him as a friend already.

He is maybe a bit flirty but he is a good man and a man like him deserves to live and be loved by someone.

I really hope he will stay healthy. Well, if he falls in love with the female lead, I will save him from his unfortunate future. I will not let him die, that's I promise.

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