=_=CHAPTER 7=_=

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"Sir Remington, please let me go," I said coldly but what the heck, he only smile at me.

"I will let you go if you---"

"NO!" I quickly refuse even if I don't know what is his end sentence.

"I didn't finish what I'm saying ---"

"I said no!" I finish his sentence again making him lean on my shoulder while laughing.

"*Laugh* You're making me crazy, Melody."

I just roll my eyes.

"Sir Remington, I'm asking you a---" I couldn't finish my sentence when he suddenly near his lips from my lips. If I move, our lips will certainly meet so I did my best not to move carelessly.

I couldn't help but stare at his eyes who are looking at me deeply.

My heart couldn't help but pound. He is too close. I can feel his breath from my lips.

He smiled before he walk away from me. I breathe a sigh of relief when he walks backward.

"Ezrif! You are seducing me again!" I exclaimed angrily!

"Is it effective? Am I successful by my attempt?" He asks, obviously teasing me.

"*Pout* Yes, *whisper* it affects me a lot." I tried to whisper but he still definitely heard it. He is an assassin so he certainly heard that.

"*Chuckle* My Melody, I will surely catch you after I'm done with my mission."

"Are you leaving?" I asked casually, trying to sound like I'm not a little bit concerned.

"Why? You don't want me to leave?" he asked, teasing me again. I want to erase that proud expression. It's annoying!

*Roll eyes*

I sighed. "Be... be careful then." I blushed while saying that. I don't want to say that but I need to say it since I know what will happen after leaving the Flynn Kingdom. He will be poisoned and will be injured a lot.

In the novel, he went back to the Flynn Kingdom and that's where he met the female lead for the 2nd time. Their first meeting is here at the banquet. Their second meeting is when he was badly injured.

The female lead saw Ezrif on the side of the road, bloody all over. She saved her and as cliché it is, he fall in love with her kindness and beauty.

In short, he will be badly hurt and I don't know why but I'm really worried about him.

Maybe, spending my time with him this past two months made me think of him as a special friend.

He chuckled, amused by my expression. "Melody..." I was surprised again when he grabbed me and I fall in his arms. In short, we are currently hugging.

"Ezrif!" I exclaimed, surprised by his sudden action.

"Are you worried about me?" he asked me.

"Ezrif let me go!"

"I will let you go if you answer my question honestly."

"Of course, I'm worried! You are my friend and as your friend, I'm very worried."

"Friend..." he whispered.

"Ezrif, now let me go!" Then I pushed him away gently.

I could see the sadness in his eyes.

Is he really in love with me? We have only known each other for 2 months and he doesn't always appear before me since he's busy with his career. I don't know why he falls in love with me. He is meant to fall in love with the female lead. It should not be me.

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