=_=CHAPTER 28=_=

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"*Sniff* *Sniff* This is so good, I never thought I will cry because of a heart-aching novel," Ethalia said as she put down the book on the table.

"I told you, you will definitely cry," Melody said. "Where's my money, I won the bet," she said as she hold out her hand towards Merliya.

"What? You really cried from a novel, Ethalia? I never thought you will cry. And please stop looking at me like that Melody. It's super annoying," Merliya said, rolling her eyes at Melody.

She gave her 4 golds since Melody won the bet and the way she looks at her with a proud face, it's annoying so she quickly gives her the money. Melody laughs as she holds the money.

"You made a bet?" asked Ethalia, dumbfounded by their bet.

"*Laugh* Sorry, we had an argument when we gave you the book. I said you will definitely cry while Merliya doesn't believe that you will be in tears after reading that heart-aching novel. No matter what, no one can hide their emotions when they read good novels."

"Well, that's true," both Merliya and Ethalia agreed to her proud statement.

"Anyways, I want to forget this novel so what are we going to do later?"

Merliya and Melody thought deeply about what is more fun to do. Should they repeat what they did yesterday or try more new enjoyable experiences?

Merliya looks at the empty plate and her eyes shined brightly.

"Melody, why don't you teach us how to cook? Even though we have our own chef, I still want to learn how to cook so my future husband won't think of another lady," Merliya suggested.

"Ohhh, that's a good idea! I also want to learn especially about pizza and that hamburger! It's super delicious!"

"*Laugh* Ok ok, no problem! I will teach you but let's first go shopping for the needed ingredients."

Melody and her friends went to the supermarket. This is the first time they go shopping for vegetables and meats. It's a good experience for Merliya and Ethalia. As for Melody, she's used to this, not only in her world but also here.

Her aunt and uncle are sometimes busy because of work so she took the task of cooking and cleaning the house. Since Melody wants to thank them for what they have done for her, she helped them with their daily lives so they will feel comfortable. She also took the task of taking care of their children.

She missed those times and she wish she could go back but Melody knows, it's impossible. And she already accepted her life here. She also has a loving family here so it doesn't matter if she can't go back anymore. She only missed them and wanted to see them again but she can't also bear to leave her family here.

When they arrive at the mansion, they saw Melody's grandmother in the garden, busy watering them.

Her grandmother went along when she heard that Melody will teach her friends to cook. She knows her granddaughter is good at cooking and all her foods are unique and invented by her which is not her invention.

Melody knows that they misunderstand her recipe and that it's her invention. They keep on telling them it's not her invention but since she's the one who introduced it, she became the inventor of these unique foods which is honestly making her feel stressed and didn't bother explaining it to them anymore. Anyways, they won't ever believe her.

She even has restaurants for this unique and new recipe. It's a big hit since the chefs in there are all good cookers.

The day passed by and night came.

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