=_=CHAPTER 32=_=

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"Then if your brothers are already stripped from their title, why do you still play with those women?" I asked, confused.

"I wanted to stop since it's less interesting and I'm already bored, pretending like a playboy but my father wants me to stay being a jerk," he said as he sighed.

"Huh? Why?"

"He finds my strategy to investigate every family quite good. He wants me to investigate all family so there won't be crime happening anymore and I know he also wants to protect me. If I show them that I am fit to become a king, those enemies will not show their fangs properly. If I still act like a stupid prince and a jerk, they will let their guard down and we can strike them. And there's also another reason why my father wants me to investigate every family, he wants me to find who's our savior when that epidemic struck the kingdom," he explained.

"Epidemic?" Isn't that me? The savior?

*Sigh* I already told them to not bother but they are actually secretly investigating me? How dare they! I already helped them, why do they want to meet me? 

To thank me? To give a reward for what I did?

I don't need that! I already told them that I want to stay low-key but they don't even get that.

Ha! I'm getting frustrated!

I can't let them know that it was me because I'll be one of the queen candidates. After all, I'm the mysterious savior who saved the kingdom, and if they discovered that I'm a noblewoman in this kingdom and I'm also the savior, the king will surely do anything for me to tie up in the royal family which I 100% don't want to happen! It can't happen no matter what!

"There's also another reason why he wants me to go around and play with women more, my father wants me to find the rightful queen and I thought I finally found her when I met Princess Ethalia. She's a good woman, she's beautiful, she's pitiful since I know how she was treated in the Zycke Kingdom, and she's the first woman who reject me even knowing that I am the crown prince of a powerful kingdom," he said then he sighed.

"Then why?" I asked, angry at him that he suddenly changed his interest so fast. "Why did you suddenly start chasing me when you are falling in love with her?"

"Yeah, I was falling in love with her. I thought she was my queen. I thought I finally found her. I thought I could finally rest easy as I take the throne with her by my side but fortunately, I was saved from that future."

"What? What do you mean?" my heart suddenly started pounding.

Don't *pause* Don't tell me...

"You know I'm a very cautious person. I can't trust anyone that easily so I secretly investigated her. *Chuckle* Before I fall into a deep pit, my trusted friend, Ezrif, saved me from that predicament. *Laugh* He told me some shocking news while he's injured, Princess Ethalia is actually a spy from the Zycke Kingdom. She's here to steal our strategy books, our weapons sample, the gunpowder, and the most important invention in our kingdom, the warship we worked hard to develop," he said coldly as he break the wood stick on his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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