=_=CHAPTER 30=_=

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Another chapter for this day! This is a reward for always waiting for my updates. Thank you for being a loyal reader! ^_^


Melody and her friends meet the shadow knights of her grandfather and there are thousands of them!


The three women are all shocked by what they are seeing in the field.

They thought, there are only 20 of them but never thought that there are thousands of them.

How can a normal woman like her command thousands of men?

"It's my lady! Quick! She's here!" One of the knights said as he quickly gather the men around.

Their eyes shine when they heard that a goddess visits them. They quickly gather around.

As soon as they arrive in front of their lord's granddaughter, they kneeled with a strong aura around them but you will still feel the happiness they emit.

"This lord Eryx's shadow knights greets my lady!" they said simultaneously.

The three women are startled by their strong vigor.

They look away feeling awkward.

Melody gulped down as she looks all the kneeling men. She felt a headache coming over her.

Ethalia pushed her towards the thousand men, giving her a message to answer their greetings.

Melody's mind became blank, she doesn't know what to say.

It took a few minutes before she can calm herself down.

"Ehem, this lady also greets you back. I'm Melody Asienna Clionte, granddaughter of Eryx Clionte and Menilda Clionte. These are my friends. Merliya Tira Campbell, daughter of the duke of the Flynn Kingdom. And this is princess Ethalia Miya Fronze, daughter of the king of Zycke Kingdom," Melody said, trying hard to make her voice loud in a way that is not in an unruly way.

"This shadow knight greets Lady Campbell and Princess Fronze!" They again simultaneously greet.

Melody sighed before talking again.

"This lady asks for your help to rescue my grandfather's from the enemy. He's not back for 2 days and this lady is anxious that something might happen to grandpa. Even grandma is worried too, so this lady asks for your assistance and helps me return my grandfather. I have the key so you can move. Grandma gave this to me," Melody said with a clear voice.

The captain of the shadow knights looked up and saw the key in her hands.

"We heard my lady's order, we shall abide with your every order!" the captain said, confirming that she has the power to control them.

"We heard my lady's order, we shall abide with your every order!" they repeated what the captain said at once.

Melody called all the high-rank men among them and the others must stay by her grandmother's side and protect her and the mansion. She also ordered the men to protect the people in the town which they quickly abide by and went to get their weapons.

As soon as they are ready, Melody and her friends went to the dark forest since the people said that this is the place where they have last seen her grandfather. The shadow knights follow the women, hiding in the dark. Since they are shadows and they were trained to be a shadow, they hid but there are still five men following the three women.

Suddenly, men in black appeared before them with a murderous aura around them.

They didn't ask who are they and just silently attacked her but the men hiding in the dark quickly appeared, stopping their attacks.

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