=_=CHAPTER 8=_=

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I quickly left Ezrif alone on the balcony. He is too much for my weak heart. He is too handsome and he is too bold. Sometimes, I don't know what to do with him.

Honestly, I'm affected by his flirty side. He is good at seducing women and it scares me.

I shouldn't let him affect me anymore or else I might destroy the story more.

As I walk around the hall, I saw a table full of food. A modern woman like me who loves foods the most quickly arrived and I ate happily.

I was so happy eating when I suddenly choke because I saw my female lead. The beautiful female lead has finally appeared!

I quickly ask the butler to give me water. He quickly went to get. As I wait, I observe the female lead.

She has beautiful silver hair and her purple eyes contain the chilliness but at the same time are full of gentleness.

My long-time idol!!!

I saw you finally!!!

I notice that everyone is looking in her direction, some are mesmerized and some are full of jealousy. *Sigh* Why do these women keep on glaring beautiful women full of insecurity? They are so immature, honestly. Whenever they see people who are more beautiful than them, they glare at them. Sometimes, they are making me frustrated. They are so not like the women in my previous world. Most of them are full of confidence in their own beauty. They accept who they are and show their beauty without being insecure with others. Maybe, because social media or technologies affected them a lot which is good but also has a disadvantage. Even for me, I couldn't deny that watching a lot of movies and series; and reading novels grew my confidence a lot.

The butler arrive, handing me the water and I thanked him politely which made the young butler blush before quickly running away from me.

I didn't mind him anymore and quickly look at the female lead and it seems she is leaving.

I quickly drank the water and put it on the table before I followed the female lead.

I told you, I want to watch their first meeting with that annoying playboy crown prince so I followed her. I made sure that our distance is far where she won't notice that I'm following her.

I act like I was walking with her in the same direction. When she stop walking, greeting people, I continue walking then stop like I was looking for someone.

I noticed she looks at me once, suspicious of me but then she then just shrug it off when she noticed that I'm just looking for someone. I continued walking while pretending to look for someone. She also continued her walking and so I followed her.

I successfully followed her until we're out of the banquet hall.

I quickly hid behind the wide, tall, and thick pillar when I notice that she stop, facing the crown prince who is smiling at her sweetly. What a playboy. *Roll eyes*


It's finally starting!!! Finally! Finally! My long-awaited first scene!

"Greetings, your highness." she politely bends down like how a noble greets a prince. She maintained her quiet attitude which made the eyes of the crown prince flicker.

"You must be the hostage princess from the Zycke Kingdom."

The female lead's eyes didn't change from the mention of her curse kingdom.

She was sold by her own father and hearing the last name of that disgusting king, makes her blood boil. She loves the citizen in the Zycke Kingdom but the royal family and the noble family disgust her a lot.

Yes, Ethalia Miya Fronze, the heroine is a princess from another country. Her father, the king of Zycke Kingdom is a greedy old man and a coward. Her mother, the former queen is kind but she died because of the scheme of the current queen in Zycke Kingdom. Her story is quite cliché but I couldn't help but think how cruel the heroine's life is. Since the day her mother died, she was treated worse than maids, and then she was almost married to an old man, a duke from another kingdom but then it was canceled since the duke died from a disease. In the novel, that old man duke didn't die from a disease but he was murdered by one of the 3rd male leads. Well, he is another story. Right now, let's focus on their first meeting.

"Yes, your highness. I'm Princess Ethalia Miya Fronze, the first princess of the Zycke Kingdom," she said while still bowing formally.

The prince keeps on smiling like he is looking at his new prey. How infuriating but interesting!

"I permit you to rise, princess Ethalia Miya Fronze." The female lead slowly rose, keeping her poker face expression.

"It's nice to meet you Princess from the Zycke Kingdom. I know you already know who I am but I will still formally introduce myself. This prince's name is Trayvon Clyde Flynn, the crown prince of Flynn Kingdom." He said while bowing like a knight. He took her hand and kiss it while keeping his so-called gentle smile.

"It's also nice to meet you, your highness." the female lead keeps her cool before she snatches her hand away from the male lead.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her slight but obvious action.

"By the way, why are you not joining the party. This banquet is for you." the crown prince said, curiously looking at her.

"I just want to breath fresh air in the meantime."

"Are they bothering you because you are a hostage?"

"Not really, your highness. I already accept that I'm just a hostage. I'm very thankful that the royal family treats me so well even though I'm just a hostage. They even hold a banquet for me. Honestly, this is too overwhelming for me." she worriedly said but at the same time, she's happy because, for the first time in her life, she met a good royal family.

It was a surprise for her that she was treated so well like she's a real princess although she's really a princess. Anyways, as I was reading the story, the female lead is actually a spy at first from the Zycke Kingdom. Her mission is to snatch or steal information about their development of the army and the blueprint of the weapons they used.

At first, the heroine is desperate since she really wants to have a place in the Zycke Kingdom but she accidentally fell in love with the male lead and she doesn't want to do it anymore. She wants to stay in the Zycke Kingdom, treasuring the male lead's love but her secret was discovered by the crown prince. He lost her trust in the female lead and it was their first very severe conflict. The female lead did her best to appease the male lead but 2 months already passed and he really don't want to forgive her. She could only go back to her country after the end of her contract in the Flynn Kingdom. After all, being a hostage in the Flynn Kingdom is only for 1 year and after that, she can go back to her country. Well, the king of Flynn Kingdom is really kind and everyone loves him. He's a good king but he's not a good father though. Oh well, that's a different story. Anyways, when she left to go back to her country, she was attacked by some bandits and she was kidnapped.

In that part, she met the 3rd male lead, the man who killed the old man duke who should have married the heroine. The 3rd male lead is the childhood friend of Ethalia (female lead) and he has really loved her since they were kids but they were separated when the 3rd male lead's family was exiled.

The 1st male lead who truly loves her can't bear to let go of her so he chased her but discover that she was kidnapped. Fast forward, he found her and he did his best to get her back. That's how they reconcile and they lived happily ever after. Of course, before their happy ending, they faced a lot of challenges or twisted games in their life. The story is really well made that's why I love it a lot.

"I'm happy that you're having fun and don't worry about this banquet. My father really fancies you a lot even my mother. They really liked you so you don't have to worry about this banquet. You can enjoy your stay here after your 1-year contract." the crown prince while still keeping his annoying smile.

"Thank you, your highness." she bows down politely.

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