=_=CHAPTER 11=_=

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A few days have passed after the banquet and now a tea party was being held by my best friend Merliya. She invited me and she also invited my idol! The female lead is here in front of me, drinking her tea elegantly.

"Have you read the latest book of 'Carleya'?" Lemya asked excitedly as she hold a green book in her hand.

"Of course! I read it! I read it! I couldn't sleep because I've been reading it the whole night!" I said excitedly as my eyes sparkle.

"I feel you! I couldn't help but love it so much!" Merliya also joined the talk.

We keep on talking about the plot and the mysteries of 'Carleya's book'. I was so immersed at first but I notice Ethalia's expression.

It seems she is sad because she can't relate to our talk.

If I remember it right, this is the part where she was bullied by Merliya a lot. It made Ethalia remember how little her knowledge is so she felt left out. Of course, Merliya planned to make her feel out of the place but that was in the original novel. Suddenly, the crown prince arrives and saw the scene where Ethalia is being looked down upon. That's where he started feeling very protective towards her but of course, Ethalia refused him a lot which catches his attention more.

Honestly, I don't want to change anything but it's Merliya we're talking about, I can't just lead her to her doom. She's my best friend and she's a good girl.

Ethalia excuses herself and I followed her.

I saw her sitting alone on the bench in the garden.

This is my chance to befriend her! I want to be friends with her a lot! After all, she's my idol!

But... I feel like I'm destroying the plot if I befriend her, I know that fact but... I can't just ignore Merliya. She is my best friend and childhood friend. She's very special to me and I love her a lot. I know the story and I know that if I don't mediate anything, Merliya is in a dangerous situation. I don't want her to be harmed because of the plot.

Merliya is not a villainess, she has a reason why she's a villain at first but now Merliya's fate changed and I know it's because of me. Merliya needs happiness more than anyone. She's a human who has feelings too and I know that. So, that's why I helped her.

I'm sorry Ethalia if I destroy a little bit of your story but I believe that your fate with the crown prince is strong. I hope so, hehehe.

"Princess Ethalia?" I slowly walk towards her, calling her softly.

"Lady Melody? What are you doing here?" she asked nervously.

"I... I notice that you're uncomfortable with us. Can I sit with you?" I asked politely.

She quickly nodded making me smile and sat beside her happily.

We were silent at first but since I can't take the silence anymore, I talked first.

"Are you ok, your highness? Are you uncomfortable with us?" I asked, acting worriedly.

"No! It's not like that! It's just I can't seem to start a conversation with everyone." she said honestly. I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"You don't have to start a conversation by having the same knowledge or the same topic. You know it's never wrong to ask a question. Even if you don't know anything about our conversation, you can ask a question. I know they will be happy to tell you about the books they have read." I said as a piece of advice for her. I hope she'll understand what I'm saying.

"Really? I won't embarrass myself? I'm a princess and I don't know about any books?"

"Exactly! Because you are a princess! I bet they were thinking that you are too busy to read an insignificant novel so you don't have to feel embarrassed. They are good people."

Then I grabbed her hand and lead her to the tea party location.

She sat beside me as she blushingly look at Rishta.

She look at me worriedly, I smiled at her and nodded, giving her a determination to ask.

She smiled, I could see the determination in her eyes.

"Lady Rishta, could you please tell me more about the books of Carleya? What are your most favorite books? Could you please tell me? I... I don't know much about the books of Carleya." Ethalia asked while blushing.

"Of course, Princess! I will gladly tell you!" Rishta happily shared her thoughts about the stories of Carleya. They patiently told her and they were enjoying it. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Ethalia laughing a lot.

As Melody happily enjoy chatting and drinking her tea and also eating different desserts, she didn't notice that all this time she's being watched by the crown prince who is hiding behind the tree.

He heard how Melody comforted and encourage the woman he was interested in.

It seems Lady Melody is a good friend for Princess Ethalia, that's good!

The crown prince left with a satisfied expression.

It seems he doesn't have to worry about Princess Ethalia. At least, he saw her making friends.

Aero who is watching in the dark couldn't help but smile as she look at Lady Melody's happy expression.

She's a warm person. Everyone shines because of her. She's really like a sun.

Aero followed the crown prince. He is very satisfied since he saw her making friends and laughing a lot.

The party ended successfully. Ethalia, the heroine, was so happy as she went to ride her carriage. She even happily invited Lady Melody to ride with her. Since Lady Melody wants to get closer to her, she quickly agreed.

Ethalia escorted Melody to her mansion. Before they arrive, they talked a lot about what they felt after the party ended. They shared their thoughts and even laugh at issues that are fun for them.

"Princess Ethalia---" Melody called shyly.

"Oh please, don't call me Princess. Can you call me Ethalia? No one called me by my name. I want a friend who can call me Ethalia not with a princess," she begged with her sparkling eyes that made me chuckle.

"Ok, Ethalia!" Melody confidently exclaimed while smiling which shocked Ethalia. She never thought that she won't hesitate, calling her with no title.

"I can call you Ethalia if we are alone but in front of other people, you know it's not part of etiquettes so I can't call you Ethalia, is that fine with you, Ethalia?" Melody asked.

"O...Of course! Of course, you can!" She happily exclaimed which made Melody giggle because of Ethalia's cuteness.

"You can also call me Melody if we are alone!" suggested happily by her, Melody.

"O...Ok!" she blushed as she look at her new friend.

Ethalia left as Melody bid her goodbye before she entered her home.

Ethalia, stare at the sky as she thinks of Lady Melody. She can't help but giggle. She'd unearthed a greater joy than she'd ever known.

Melody is her first friend that is truly true to her. Since Ethalia was a kid, she can feel other people's aura. If the people who befriend her are true or they have a malicious hidden intention to her, she can feel it. Maybe that's why she can't trust other people easily.

For her, it's weird.

She can't feel anything in Melody's aura, only positive energy. She can feel how sincere her new friend is, so that's why she easily trusted her and she's very delighted to find a friend like her. She hopes they can be friends forever and she hopes Melody doesn't have hidden intentions for her.

Since she was a kid, she experienced a lot of painful memories in the Zycke Kingdom. She can't trust people so easily. Melody is rare but she should always be on guard to her. What if she is malicious but her power is not strong enough to detect it? She should always be careful. Especially that she has a mission to finish.

For Lady Melody, she felt fully and wonderfully alive since she met her idol so she couldn't help but stay awake and read the books that her friend lent to her. She felt sleepy after finishing one book.

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