Chapter 43

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Chapter 43
Chelsea's POV
*hm lets say like Mayish but they're like 21 now*
"wassup boys." I said hopping over the back of the couch and plopping onto it.
"get the fuck outta here." Taylor said pushing me off him.
"well damn it's a hard world out there.... damn" I said.
"THATS MY LINE YOU CANT TAKE IT!" Cam said screaming at the top of his lungs.
"nah nah I just stole it what are you gonna do about it?" I teased as my phone rang.
"hello?" I said not even bothering to look at the caller id.
"hi sweetie." my mom said.... so suddenly she has time to talk.
"what." I stated obviously annoyed.
"yo watch your tone with me." she fired back clearly angry.
"no mom sorry I can't do that considering I've practically raised myself for the past like 4 years. You haven't been here since I turned 17 I'm 21 now in case you forgot about me, you're daughter since you're too busy with your new life. I haven't even seen Cam in like almost a year, funny I see my half sister more than I see my own mother right? And what I find actually hilarious is that you promised me something so long ago. But it doesn't even matter now because you turned out exactly like dad! You promised when he left you would never leave me for someone else, or a better life! But new flash! That's exactly what you did! So yeah thanks for being here for me for the first 17 years of my life since clearly you don't want to be apart of the next 50 or however many. I've learned that I don't need you in my life, you can thank yourself for that one!." I yelled hanging up. I was furious right now. I threw my phone at the wall and just slid down onto the kitchen floor and cried. Who the hell does she think she is? She can't just disappear out of my life for 4 years, not answer my calls when I try to contact her, then come out of nowhere and act like it's all dandelions and rainbows.
"Chels are you okay?" Nash said running over to me and sitting across from me and pulling me into him.
"No." I mumbled crying into him and hanging on for dear life.
"I'm here if and when you want to talk about it babe." he said kissing my forehead.
"Just don't leave me please." I managed to choke out.
"I would never and that's a promise." he said brushing my hair out of my face and kissing my forehead.
"what's going on?" Carter asked coming into the kitchen followed by the rest of the guys.
"Nothing just family issues." Nash said.
"you guys can leave me too, I get it." I said in between sobs.
"hey woah, woah hey. Listen to me. We're never going to leave you-" Johnson started.
"And we mean like ever, like I feel sorry for you for being stuck with us." Matt added causing me to giggle.
"yes a laugh! it's small and faint but it's there!" Hayes yelled causing another small laugh.
"but in all honesty we aren't going to leave you, ever, no matter how much you want us to, its not happening. So don't cry over her she ain't worth it gurl." Cam said snapping all ghetto. I laughed and cried at the same time.
"I love you idiots." I said smiling and wiping my face.
"DOG PILE!" Hayes yelled jumping on me. They all piled on me and I couldn't breath.
"I can't breath!" I barely mumbled gasping for air.
"guys seriously get off she can't breath!" Hayes yelled being the bottom one closest to my face. They all got off as soon as possible and I could breath again.
"oops." Johnson said skipping off to my fridge. Something's wrong with that kid, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.
"Let's go get some pizza! You need it!" Taylor yelled running towards the door. All the guys followed chanting 'pizza'
I laughed and picked up my phone. It didn't crack, not even sure how the hell that happened. But I was relieved because I really wasn't in the mood to go to the Verizon store for the 5th time this month. I grabbed my keys and went to my car.
"fuckin idiots." I said to myself laughing at the guys trying to get into my locked car, and the ones fighting over seats in Nashs.
"Unlock the damn car." Cam yelled. I did as I was told and he got in the passenger seat, followed by the Jacks and Taylor. In Nashs was him, Hayes, Matt, and Carter.
"aux!" Cam yelled plugging in his phone.
"table for 9?" the hostess questioned. We all nodded and she led us to a table near the back of the pizza shop. We all took seats around the table, Nash was to my left and Matt was to my right.
I decided to look at my phone since I haven't looked at it since my 'mother' called. I had 5 messages from the bitch herself, 10 messages from Mikayla, 98 from a group chat of some people from a tour (alexia, jack, bren, walker, Dolan twins, Chels). I decided to read my messages from my mom.
From Mom: That is no way to talk to me
But whatever be a bitch
We're all officially moving, if you can afford the house stay, I really don't care either way
A truck will be picking up everything in my bedroom, the girls, and brendans
We don't need the furniture besides in the bedrooms I listed so keep the rest or whatever I don't care just pack all the stuff in boxes
I tensed up reading these messages and locked my phone, kind of throwing it on the table earning a look from Nash.
"everything okay?" he questioned taking my hand.
"come outside I need to vent." I sighed grabbing my phone and standing up.
"yo where yall goin?" Hayes asked.
"outside well be back." Nash answered following me.
"use condoms." Taylor yelled.
"not the time." Nash answered as we left the table.
"I'm so pissed off." I basically yelled.
"here come sit and rant." he said patting the spot next to him.
"okay so I'm gonna just start from the beginning of today. So basically my mom called and was trying to be all nice and I got snippy and she was like that's not how you talk to me I'm your mother blah blah blah and I just exploded I couldn't keep it in any longer. I yelled at her for being a bad mom, for leaving me for the better offer and being exactly like my dad. And how she cant just come and go in my life as she pleases. So basically all the stuff I was pissed with her about. So I yelled at her about that then hung up and threw my phone at the wall and that's when yall came in. And then she had the audacity to tell me they're all officially moving. I have to pack certain stuff for a moving truck to pick up. A fucking moving truck. My own mother can't even come see me to pack her own stuff. She didn't tell me where they're moving, they didn't invite me to move with them, but she says if you can afford the house stay there I really don't care anymore. And I just don't know what to do Nash." I said letting a few tears escape as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"I used to love your mom when I was little ya know? We both did so much actually. She always used to take us to the park, but was rarely home, always working. So maybe she sees Cam as having like a second chance. She wants to be there for her, and doesn't want her to have to grow up without a dad like you had to. And by no means am I making excuses for your mom cause she is definitely in the wrong but I don't know." he said scratching the back of his neck.
"Nash chill I understand she just pisses me off beyond belief and I just- I don't know what to do anymore." I sighed.
"Well I have an idea. It may be crazy but I think it's fantastic. So what if me and all the guys moved in with you." he said smiling oddly.
"Oh my god yes please. The lake is right behind our house and we have boats and jet skis they'll love it! And the house is pretty big so we'd probably all fit!" I basically yelled getting extremely excited.
"Woah woah slow down turtle." Nash said petting my head.
"Okay one, I'm almost as fast as you, if not faster, two, why the fuck did you pet my head, and three, can we go ask the guys now!" I said laughing.
"Not even gonna reply to your stupidity but sure yeah let's go." he said getting up, reaching out his hand, and pulling me up too.
I started skipping into the restaurant again.
"Hello miss sunshine." Johnson said.
"Hello." I said rocking back and forth on my feet before sitting down.
"So what's going on seriously." Taylor asked.
"Okay so I have an idea. But it's actually part of a long story so I can either tell yall now or later. Decide." I said taking a sip of my lemonade.
"Now young padawan" Johnson said.
"Alright well long story short my mom sucks and we're fighting and have been and she's moving and I have to pack her things for a moving truck soooo I can keep the house if I can afford it. I mean I can cause the mortgage is paid off but it gets lonely. So basically the question here is if YALL want to move in with me? Like all of you." I said.
They all agreed instantly.
"Yo North Carolina is like my second home no doubt would I move in." Cam said eating his pizza.
"To roomies!" Matt yelled, raising his cup. I gave him a weird look but we all did cheers to that.
"I love yall." I said smiling.
"Yeah that's it just have to write names on the boxes." I said grabbing a sharpie. Nash set the last box at the door and sat down.
"Can you believe tomorrow there's gonna be 8 of us living in here tomorrow?" Nash said weirdly.
"It's crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way." I said sitting down next to him. He cupped my face and kissed me, which let to a heated makeout session.
"Nash I have to finish." I said pulling away.
"But whyyy" he pouted.
"Because the moving truck will be here in like 20 minutes and we still have to take the rest of the stuff out of the rooms." I said shoving him.
I started writing the names on the boxes as Nash closed them.
'Ariana' 'Cam' 'Mike' 'Michelle' 'whatever else' Is what I wrote. No way in hell was I calling her mom after what she put me through.
*beep* *beep*
"That's the moving truck." I sighed.
"Babe I got this, you go relax for a little until we're done." Nash said kissing my forehead and taking 2 boxes outside.
I went and sat on the couch. I didn't do anything, just sat there thinking about everything. Tomorrow 7 crazy guys will be moving in with me. My mother and I don't talk, or my biological dad, or my stepdad, or my step sisters, or my step brother, or my half sister. Basically the only family member I'm close with is my grandma. It's sad when you think about it actually.
"Babe were done." Nash said.
"What?" I asked.
"We're done. Is everything okay?" He asked.
"Yeah just thinking." I smiled standing up.
"You sure?" He questioned again.
"Yeah let's just finish up and go to bed I'm tired." I admitted walking down to the basement.
"Alright listen shits. I already decided rooms because yall fucks would've argued like crazy. Okay so I had a contractor come in and everything. Nash is in my room, Cam gets Ariana's room, Matt gets Skylers room, Carter gets Brendan's room, the jacks share the master, but it's now 2 separate rooms, and Taylor gets Cams room. Now yall can start unpacking I'm helping Nash k cool bye." I said gabbing Nashs hand and running upstairs to my room before anyone could argue. Nash already packed his stuff and all of his boxes and suitcases and what not is all up in my room.
"So you know you need to clean out part of your closet right babe?" Nash asked kissing my neck.
"Yes I'm just not looking forward to it I love my clothes." I said frowning and walking into my closet. It is actually huge I'm not even sure how I have enough clothes.
"Maybe it would be helpful if you put some of your clothes in your half of the dresser instead of hanging legit everything. You still have 3 empty drawers put like Tshirts or like shorts." Nash said shoving me lightly.
"Thanks for the advice stupid." I said flicking his head.
"That wasn't very nice was it?" Nash pouted.
"Oh grow up." I said throwing a shirt at him.
"Still not nice." He said throwing it back.
"Ask me if I care."
"Do you care?"
"Not at all why would I?" I asked taking about 20 Tshirts and throwing them on my bed. I went back in my closet and took all of my shorts off the hangers as well and threw them on the bed.
"Is this enough?" I asked.
"No take out your leggings and yoga pants next to that section and it'll be good." He said laughing.
"Ugh fine only cause I love you." I said pecking his lips. I pulled away and he pulled me on his lap and started kissing me more passionately.
"Nash were never gonna get anything done." I said laughing and getting up.
"You always do this." He pouted again.
"Damn you're such a little 5 year old." I said pushing his head and throwing my leggings and yoga pants on the bed.
"Help me hang my clothes." Nash complained.
"No now if you stop complaining I'll buy you pizza." I said starting to fold my clothes.
"Yes I promise." I said connecting my phone to the Bluetooth speaker Nash brought over. I shuffled my music and thinking out loud came on. I couldn't help but sing because I mean it's Ed Sheeran.
"I could listen to you sing all day." Nash called in.
"Good cause I sing a lot." I admitted putting all my Tshirts in one drawer, all my shorts in another, and all my leggings and yoga pants in the last open drawer.
"Wow look at you your done now get me pizza pleaseee." Nash said wrapping his hands around my waist.
"Hm why don't you make me." I teased.
"You're so sexy." Nash said kissing me roughly. Things got heated and he pushed me on the bed kissing my neck, causing a moan to escape. He blew on my neck and examined it.
"Did you mark your territory?" I asked laughing.
"Yes yes I did now pizza." He said sticking out his bottom lip.
"Fine only cause I promised but I have to change." I said walking into the closet.
I picked out a maroon/red tank top with gold circle things around the neckline, a tan cardigan, and dark blue jeans. I took off my sports bra, keeping on my regular bra and putting on the tank top. I slid off my sweats and wiggled my way into my jeans.
"Well now I need to look good." Nash said getting in the shower.
"I mean you don't have to." I said plugging in my straightener.
"Well true I mean you always look bomb anyway." He said.
"Stop." I whined parting my hair.
"Stop denying it babe you're hot." He said getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist.
"Yeah whatever just go get dressed." I said pushing him away.
"You're the one that takes forever soooo." He said walking out of the bathroom.
"Shutup." I said laughing.
I finished straightening my hair and started on my makeup. I put on a thin winged eyeliner, and some mascara. I brushed out my hair one more time, and brushed my teeth.
"Does this look okay?" Nash asked walking in the bathroom. He had on black jeans, a very light grey/white shirt, and a slightly darker grey blazer.
"Holy shit you look hot babe." I said going on my tippy toes and kissing him.
"Yo were too fancy for pizza." Nash said looking at us in my full length mirror.
"Very true." I said laughing.
"Then let's like go out to like an actual restaurant." He said going back in the closet.
"Aight sounds gucci pick a good place." I said putting in some diamond studs in my 2 holes and cartilage. I went in my closet and looked at my section of shoes, and yes I had a section of shoes. It's basically like 6 shelves going the length of the closet. I decided on my
Steve Madden Dinora Sandals (they're like tan/gold with little gem/diamonds on the straps with a tall heel).
"What shoes should I wear?" Nash asked getting off of his phone.
"Hm wear just like black shoes." I said putting on my shoes.
"Damn she fine." Nash said practically drooling.
"I love you." I said kissing him which was now easier because of my heels. I grabbed my phone off the charger, money, keys, perfume, lip gloss, and mascara and put it in a small tan cross body bag.
"Babe are you ready?" I asked checking myself in the mirror one more time.
He took a deep breath and answered "yeah." Wonder why a deep breath.... We're only getting food.
"You aight?" I asked taking his hand and carefully walking down the stairs.
"Yeah but it's a surprise so I'm blindfolding you." He said.
"Yeah whatever." I said laughing.
"Where'd all the guys go?" He asked looking around the first floor.
"I don't know probably to like eat or something." I said opening the door.
"I'm driving but we're taking my car." He said.
"Okay I have to lock the door hold on." I said laughing taking my keys out of my purse. I'm the only one that has a key to the house right now but all the guys know the garage code.
"Babe come on. Reservations don't stay forever." He said whining turning his car on.
"Okay okay." I said walking alittle faster, trying not to fall.
"Put this on." Nash said handing me a bandana as I buckled my seat belt.
"Okay chillax yo." I said tying it so it was covering my eyes. He turned on the radio and held my hand as he drove.
"Okay we're here but you can't take off your blindfold just yet." Nash said unbuckling both of our seat belts.
"Okay?" I said more as a question.
"Now put these on because the sound is a dead giveaway." He said putting a pair of headphones in my hand. I guess they'll block sound.
"Nash what the fuck is going on?" I questioned.
"You'll see just wait like 10 minutes." Nash said. I heard his door open/close and then mine open.
"You have to help me I can't see and I'm blind." I yelled to hear myself. I couldn't hear what Nash said but he grabbed my hands and started guiding me in the direction to walk.
We finally stopped and Nash sat me down in a chair. It was extremely comfortable I might add. He took off my blindfold, and covered my eyes with his hands. I tried to catch a glimpse of what was in front of me, but failed. He took off the earplugs and took off his hand at the same time.
"Oh my god! Holy fucking shit!" I yelled jumping on Nash.
"Happy almost 4 years babe." Nash said kissing me. I pulled away and stood in awe of being front row for the Ed Sheeran concert. I tried to get tickets but by the time I looked, they were sold out.
Holy fuck.
"Thank you for coming out tonight! You were awesome! But I have something to do before the end of the concert." Ed said into the microphone. Nash went to go to the bathroom before we left.
"I'm going to pick one special guest from the audience and give them a surprise!" He said. I stood up and started waving my hand, as was everyone else.
"Let's go with the little lady in the front row with the long straight hair." He said pointing at me. Holy fuck Ed Sheeran just picked me to go on stage. A security guard came over to me and walked me up on to the stage.
"I love you so much." I said as he hugged me.
"I love you too sweetheart." He said kissing my cheek.
"You're actually the main artist that inspires me to sing, besides Shawn Mendes because he's my best friend." I said.
"That's so sweet thank you. And as for Shawn yeah he's one of my good friends, very talented young man, surprised he hasn't introduced us sooner." He said walking me over to the seat in the middle of the stage.
"How bout a round of applause for this lucky lady." Ed said and the crowd erupted in cheers.
"So basically we have a special surprise for Chelsea." Ed said.
"I never told you my name." I said to Ed confused.
"That's correct others have told me you're name though." He said coming to stand behind me and covering my eyes with his hands.
"I'm confused what's going on?" I asked.
"Shh just relax." He said. I took a deep breath and tried to relax.
"Chelsea," I heard as Ed took his hands off my eyes. I saw Nash standing infront of me.
"Chelsea I've known you practically my whole life, fell in love with you at 7 years old, fell out of love at 10, fell in love at 11, and haven't stopped loving you since. Words cannot describe how much I love you and everything about you. I love the way you scrunch your nose when you get mad, the way you tease me, your laugh, your smile, the way your eyes squint when you laugh, I could go on forever and ever and it still wouldn't be enough time to describe all of the things I love about you. I love us together, as a couple. I can make fun of you, and beat you in any sport or video game or anything for that matter, but you'll still love me 5 minutes later because that's how much we care about each other. So with that said..." Nash trailed going down on one knee and pulling out a small box. I started to cry at this point, "Chelsea Marie Shaner, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Nash asked opening the box to reveal a ring with a large diamond in the middle, surrounded by smaller diamonds, and a few small diamonds on the band.
I couldn't manage to say anything I just nodded my head vigorously. Nash stood up and I jumped on him and kissed him while the crowd erupted in cheers.
I pulled away and looked at him.
"Don't cry baby." He said wiping my tears.
"I get emotional shutup." I said playfully hitting his chest as he set me down.
"I believe this belongs to you... Fiancé." Nash said sliding the ring on my ring finer.
"No it belongs to us. I love you." I said kissing him once more.
"I love you more." He said attaching our lips again.
"Impossible." I laughed kissing him.
A/n hey did this hit the feel?¿

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