Chapter 3

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If you read my instagram post I said about posting chapter 1-10 and maybe 11 on here tonight, it's not going to happen. Sorry I just had a lot more homework then i thought, but tomorrow I don't think I have that much so if I have the time I will try to update it to chapter 12, but I'm not making any promises.

Also, later on in the story I will need some girls to possibly be girlfriends or something of the sort. It might not be for a while until I actually add them into the story but I need your name, a description of your body, some hobies, and a few of your favorite things. If you want you can say who you would like to be paired with or have something to do with that particular person. If you aren't chosen, I'm sorry it is just completely random but I might use you for another character. -Enjoy!


Chapter 3:

Nash and I burst out lauhging. I was laughing so hard, i honestly thought I was going to pee my pants. "Pay up babe!" I said to Hayes still laughing.

"Dam-angit!" Hayes said. I was surprised he caught himself before he said damnit. His parents said they aren't supposed to be swearing, even thought they kow they did, but if they swear around them and/or Skylynn then they will be in trouble.

"When are you going to learn I'm always right, and I always win?!" I asked. Chad gave them his phone number and we finally left.

On the way to the car, I walked with Hayes becuase Nash was with Skylynn. We got to the car and they put their suitcases in the trunk and we got in the car. Hayes climbed in the back and I climbed in after him because I felt nice and didn't want to make him sit alone. Nash put the seat down then got in and slid over to the middle to sit next to Skylynn. Chad and Elizabeth got in the fornt and Chad drove us home.

"I missed my wittle Hayes!" I said wrapping my arms around Hayes.

"I mean I guesss I missed you, I mean there was no one to make us food sooo...." He said. I just glared at him and removed my arms. I couldn't hold the face and just started laughing.

"You suck." I said hitting his arm.  I got my phone out and when I hit my home button, my phone was blown up with notifications from Twitter and Instagram.

"Damn girl!" Hayes said looking at my phone. I unlocked my phone and went onto instagram first. I had over 300 comments and 100 new followers. What happened now? I looked at all the comments I was mentioned in. They were probably 80% hate becuase some girl that saw Nash and me at the airport took a picture of me on him hugging him and put as the caption 'Just friends?' Woww... I mean I didn't really care but it kinda bothered me that this whole vine famous thing was starting to affect my friendshio with Nash. I mean now when I go out with him, we are always interupted by girls wanting pictures and I can't even be myself. It just made me mad that girls actually like to start this drama. I knew Nash was going through his mentions too because he tensed up then looked back at me.

I mouthed "It's ok" to him and he turned back around.

"Do you want to play a game?" Hayes asked.

"Sure." I said because I needed to get my mind off of things. We played some game that I have never heard of before, but it was pretty fun.

We got home and it was almost 5. "I obviously beat you Hayes." I said getting out of the car and stretching.

"Sure if the object of the game was to suck then you won by a long shot." he said laughing.

"You're just jealous!" I said. I went around to the other side to get Skylynn out of her car seat since no one had yet. I got her out of the car seat and she hopped out of the car. I helped Nash get his suitcase out of the car and up to his room.

When we got into his room he unzipped his suitcase. "Holy shit! What died in here?" I asked covering my nose with my shirt.

"Me and the boys did a youtube video and it got a little messy and some clothes may or may not have moldy food on them." he said laughing. We sat down next to the suitcase and started taking out his clothes. They were pretty much all dirty so we just threw them into a pile. "See this is why I missed you! You do all of my stuff for me while I supervise." he said while he was doing stuff on his phone. I didn't even realize he was sitting there not helping. I picked up one of his moldy shirts and threw it at him. "Oh you're going to get it!" he said and he bent down to pick it up.

I knew it was time to run. I stood up and ran. I didn't stop, I ran out of the house and down the street. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you throw that thing at me!" I yelled turning around while I ran.

"Yeah, we'll see." he said still chasing me. I got tired and couldn't run anymore. He caught up to me and stuffed the shirt in my face.

"That freakin smells like shit!" I said trying to push it out of my face. "Ew Nash it got in my mouth." I said laughing.

He burst out laughing and dropped the shirt on the sidewalk. He fell over into the grass of who ever's yard that was. We finally stopped laughing and Nash said, "Let's go get ice cream." he said.

"If you're paying cause I don't got money." I said.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a 10 dollar bill. "Let's go!" he said.

I extended my hand to help him up. He grabbed it and stood up. We started walking but my feet were starting to hurt because I didn't have any shoes and I kept stepping on rocks. Nash looked over at me and I tried to walk normally but it just hurt.

"Get on." Nash said bending down so I could get on his back.

"How sweet..." I said rusting his hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Too tight!" he said wiggling.

"Oh sorry." I said loosening them and laughing.

"It's cool." he said.

"Oh yeah, how was Magcon I never asked." I said.

"It was so dope! There were so many crazt screaming fans, I think it's the most we've ever had. I took so many pictures I felt like my face was going to fall off!" he said.

I laughed and said, "Oh wow, the struggle is unreal right now. Your life is so hard."

He pretended to drop me and I screamed. He picked me back up to where I was before and he continued walking. We got to the ice cream stand and he set me down. I pulled up my shorts because they were falling down. We both got vanilla becuase it was both of our faves then walked back and went to Nash's. We got back and it was almost 10 because we took so long.

Nash sat down on the couch and said, "I'm hungry as fuck!"

"I'll make a gourmet dinner for us. Would King Nash like that?" I asked laughing.

"King Nash would like that very much... and when you say gourmet meal you best be talking about ramen noodles." he says laughing.

"Well obviously! Only the best for the best." I say. I made the ramen noodles and brought them into the living room. We sat there, ate our ramen noodles, and watched 21 Jump Street. The movie ended around 1 and I went home. He walked me over to my house and gave me a hug and then pulled away. He was just looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just missed that little sparkle in your eyes." He said and walked away. He turned around once he was at his driveway and said, "I really did miss you!"

"Yeah okay..." I said and went inside.

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