Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

(Nash's POV):

Chelsea's gonna be pissed.

The paramedics carried me down to the ambulance with Hayes. We got in the ambulance and burst out laughing. I set up this whole plan for Chelsea's birthday. I was supposed to act like I was passed out and all the guys knew and also the hospital. We were only going to he at the hospital for the first like 30 mins of the event, so that gave the guys enough time to explain to the fans and do some stuff as well.

They put me into a hospital room and taped an iv on my arm, but it want actually in me.

I felt kinda bad though because she was crying, but she wouldn't cry much longer.


"Nash is now conscious again. We will be taking him shortly to get blood drawn for some tests. He will probably need to stay overnight as well."

"Thank you." a couple of people said.

Chelsea smiled at me from Matts back. They looked really cute together. I smiled back.

"You almost gave me a fucking heart attack Nash!" she said as she sat in a chair near me.

"Sorry." I said laughing," here put your foot up here."


"So did you guys sign Chelsea's cast yet?" I asked.

"No! Give me a god damn marker!" Taylor yelled.

"Language!" a nurse passing by yelled back.

They all signed her cast, obviously big, and promoting themselves.


"Okay guys, we need to get back to the hotel for the event." Bart said.

"Okay, will you be okay?" Cam asked.

"I'll be fine." I was just planning on Chelsea to volunteer to stay so my plan would happen.

"I'll stay here with him, since I'm not important to the tour." Chelsea said.

Yes, it's go time.

"Alright, peace." Carter said and they all left.


(30 minutes later)

"Okay Nash, there isn't anything drastically wrong with you. You were just dehydrated, and you will need to drink plenty of fluids. There is nothing more we can do for you, so you are permitted to leave now. A nurse will be here shortly to get you disconnected then you're free to go."

"Okay thank you."

I looked over at Chelsea and she had the biggest, brightest smile.


In the limo we 'decided not to tell the guys' and keep it a 'surprise'. I texted Cam.

To Cam:

We are on our way, we should be there in like 5-10 mins

From Cam:


We arrived at the hotel.

"Can we get my camera, I need to vlog."

"Sure." I said laughing.

We went to her room and got her camera then she started vlogging.

"So this idiot decided to be dehydrated and have to go to the hospital so now we are just going to the event and we are going to surprise everyone cause they think Nash was supposed to stay overnight at the hospital."

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