Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
Chelsea's POV
"Chels wake up." I heard someone say. I assumed it was Nash since I knew his voice.
"what happened?" I asked sitting up, which made my head hurt and I was confused as to why.
"well we were filming a youtube video and-"
"I know that much the last I remember is jumping in the pool and getting out to leave." I left out the part about the boy basically raping me in the elevator since it could have easily been a dream or something, I mean it's happened before.
"you jumped in and all the boys were yelling shit at you and you got up to leave and slipped and hit your head off the wall and passed out. Cam and I carried you up here and we figured you'd be fine, but if your head hurts a lot we should get it checked out."
"okay I think I'm okay, I just have a headache. I'm just going to rest, what time is it?"
"it's 4am, Cam fell asleep over there on the floor, but I couldn't sleep, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"awe how cute nashyy!" I said poking his cheek and laying back down to go to sleep.
"goodnight." Nash said laying down on the floor.
"night." I mumbled before falling back asleep.
*next day*
"get up shitheads!" I yelled.
"what's that smell?" Cam asked sitting up.
"breakfast. I was kind enough to make you breakfast so eat cause after yall eat we have to go grocery shopping cause we have no food." I admitted.
"whatever." Nash said running into the kitchen to eat.
"while y'all stuff your faces, I'm getting dressed." I said climbing the stairs to my room. Most of my clothes were in boxes, I just left a couple of outfits out. I put on a pair of cropped leggings, gray long sleeved shirt with two stripes on the arm, and nike tennis shoes.
I went into the bathroom that I shared with Cam and brushed my teeth. We need to get shampoo and stuff like that also today.
I put my hair into a messy bun and put on my black framed glasses. I don't need contacts unless I want them because my vision isn't that bad. I don't have to wear my glasses all the time, but I do a lot because they help. I grabbed my phone and $200 because we were all bringing that in case.
"are y'all ready?" I asked going back downstairs.
"yeah let's go." Nash said getting up, followed by Cam.
"who's car?" Cam asked.
"well considering my car has a tiny trunk, and Nash barely has one yours?" I said as a question.
"sure." Cam got his keys and we left.
"alright you guys take this cart and go start getting like snack food and drinks and I'll get other stuff to actually make food." I instructed the boys.
I took my cart and started walking through the isles. I got a lot of easy stuff to make like chicken nuggets and frozen pizza, and I also got some other stuff to make meals which would mostly be for me to make. I assumed the boys weren't getting fruit so I went and got some strawberries, bananas, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, and a pineapple. I figured I had enough food so I went to the snack section to find Nash and Cam.
I found them in an isle with chips.
"are you done?' I asked looking at their cart filled with snacks, drinks, yogurt, bread, eggs, and that kind of stuff.
They both nodded their heads and we went to check out.
"hey I remember you. you're the chick that jumped in the pool in underwear." the boy checking us out said.
"oh yeah hi." I said slightly embarrassed.
"I'm Brooklyn by the way." (a/n yes Brooklyn beckham just because why the hell not)
"Chelsea." I said smiling. Damn he was cute. Nash and Cam left to go get the car since it was parked kind of far. They gave me their money so I could pay.
"so you guys just move in?" Brooklyn asked.
"oh uh yeah we just moved in yesterday actually that's why were getting all of this food." I laughed.
"makes sense. I live with 2 of my friends as well."
"cool." I wasn't sure what else we were supposed to talk about as he finished checking me out.
"it's 294.99." I took out $300 and handed it to him. he gave me my change and I thanked him.
"so I was wondering if I could have your number, maybe we could hangout sometime." he said and I could see the pink in his cheeks.
"sure." I said writing my number on the receipt and handing it back to him.
"were not going to need this." I said and started taking the carts but realized I couldn't.
"here let me help." Brooklyn said jogging out from his spot.
"are you aloud to do this?" I asked laughing.
"no not really but I don't care I don't need this job my parents just made me to learn 'responsibility'" he said using air quotes.
"I see." I said as we neared the car.
"guys this is Brooklyn he lives in our building. Brooklyn this is Nash and Cam." I said pointing at them.
"it was nice to meet you guys but I should probably go back in there."
"i thought you didn't care." I said smirking.
"I don't I'm going to quit." he said turning around from walkin back to the store.
"you like him don't you." Nash said smirking at me.
"do not." I said feeling the heat rise in my cheeks and I went to sit in the car and let them do the work.
"let's go to target we need other stuff."
"god damn." Cam groaned.
~~~~~~ (I skipped that cause it'd be boring.)
"can you guys fucking help!" I yelled at Nash and Cam who were sitting down now helping carry in the bags, and there were plenty.
"fine." they agreed and I stayed in the apartment and put food away. Our refrigerator filled up pretty quick. Once I finished I put the cases of water, gatorade, cans of pop, and tea in the closet when you first walk in. I then started going through all of the other stuff from target. I took all of Nash's stuff and set it on his bed, I took the rest upstairs and separated it. I put my tampons and pads under the sink, my shampoo/conditioner/ body wash/ razor/ shaving cream on the bar on the side, Cams shower stuff on the top since he could reach and I couldn't. I took the rest of Cams stuff and walked through the closet to get to his room. I set it on his bed and went back in my room and fell asleep.
*next day*
"okay so one of my friends from when I used to live in New York is coming over and then were going out but don't freak out okay?" I said walking down the stairs drying my hair with a towel.
"who is it?" Nash asked.
"you'll see."
"what time is he or she coming?" Cam asked.
"around 3 but she's only staying for alittle and she might come over after."
"okay well Matt, Carter, Hayes, the Jacks, and Taylor are flying in today and staying with us."
"thanks for telling me." I groaned going back upstairs to get ready since it was 2 now.
I blow dried then curled my hair into loose curls.
I put on black shorts with pink/orange floral design, white loose tank top tucked in, and a light salmony blazer that matches my shorts. It was already 3 and I had to do my makeup too. I took off my blazer and set it on my bed since it was hot. I heard a knock on the door and ran downstairs to get the door.
"hi I'm Ariana." I heard her say I guess on of the boys got the door.
"I know who you are." I heard cam say. I could sense his smile.
"Cam stop flirting with Ariana." I yelled walking down stairs.
"I'm not flirting!" he said defensively.
"yeah okay now leave don't you have friends to pick up... oh wait you don't have any." I said trying to push him out the door.
"you weigh like a hundred pounds you really think you can do this."
"just get out." I said giving up laughing. he obeyed and left to pick up the guys from the airport.
"I miss you!" I yelled pulling Ariana into a hug. When we were little, before I moved to north carolina, we were best friends. we did everything together, and were barely apart. We kept in touch for awhile but I didn't really share it with anyone because we lost touch once she moved to la and her and Frankie got famous. But we reconnected.
"it's been so long and oh my gosh you're gorgeous!" she said pulling away.
"so are you! excuse this mess we just moved in like 2 days ago and it's a work in progress." I laughed.
We went up in my room and I did my makeup then we went shopping and to some restaurant.
I got back around 10 and all of the boys were at our house being obnoxious. I shut the door and set my bags on the counter and walked into the living room.
"I missed you!" Taylor said running up to me dramatically.
"I'm sure you did." I said laughing and hugging him.
"and you didn't miss me." Taylor pouted.
"ehh I guess if you wanna call it that." I said hi and hugged the rest of the guys then sat down on the couch.
"take my shoes of." I instructed Nash who was laying by my feet.
"ew you got foot fungus hell naw." Nash said crinkling his nose.
"whatever I'm out." I said laughing and getting my bags and going to my room. I set my bags on the bed that was covered in boxes and took of my wedges. I heard my phone go off so I went to see who it was.
Unknown number: hey it's Brooklyn:)
I smiled and replied.
Chelsea: hey what's up
Brooklyn: I'm bored come over ;)
Chelsea: hmm maybe
Brooklyn: pweeese!
Chelsea: I mean I guess I could come over let me change first
Brooklyn: why do you have to change that wastes so much time that I could be looking at your beautiful face
Chelsea: you're so cheesy I'll be down in like 10 minutes
I changed out of my clothes into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my phone and put it in my bra and walked downstairs.
"where are you going?!" Jack J screamed to me.
"none of your business."
"she's probably going to see Brooklyn!" Cam yelled back. I flipped them off and left.
A/n hola this chapter isn't very eventful but it happens. So yeah I don't really have much to say besides thanks for soo many reads! it means alot! and yes I'm pretty sure I will be ending the book in a couple of chapters but I have decided to make a sequel probably. so yeah that's it bye!

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