Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Hayes's POV

"Hurry up!" Mikayla yelled up from her basement. This is the first and probably the last time I'll get to hang out with her while I'm here for this trip.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed the popcorn bowl and ran down to the basement, almost tripping down the last few steps I may add.

"Did it start?" I asked.

"Not yet." we were watching frozen because it was one of both of our favorite movies.

I saw the movie millions of times, so I didn't really watch it. I was staring at Mikayla when she caught me, "what?"

"Nothing." come on Hayes play it cool.

"Why were you staring at me." Shit, busted.

"Can't a guy admire his beautiful girlfriend without being questioned?" Nice one Hayes.

She reached her head up and pecked me on the cheek. She then returned to her position snuggled up against me.


Cams POV

"Dude where are you?" I asked Nash on the phone.

"Well be there in 5 minutes."

"Hurry up, the waitor is getting annoyed because we keep getting him to go away."

"I'll be there calm down." and he hung up.

Nash and Amber were meeting me and Celeste at this restaurant. Celeste is one of my friends, but not in a girlfriend way.

Nash showed up in 5 minutes and we got on with the dinner.


We finished dinner and left the restaurant. Celeste met me at the restaurant so she drove herself home, and Nash is taking Amber home. I could tell he didn't like her that much just by the way he looked at her. He looked at Chelsea with more passion and concern then he did at her.


"Yo bro I'm back." nash yelled walking through the door.

"Listen can we talk?"

"Sure..." he said skeptically.

"Listen, I can tell you don't like Amber all that much."

"But I do-"

"Don't even try to deny it. You look at Chelsea in a more loving manner. Is there something I'm missing here?"

"Okay listen I do admit I don't like Amber as much as I should at this point. I'm not sure if it's going to work out or not."

"Were getting somewhere... now there's one more thing I need to know... do you like Chelsea as more then a friend?"

"Cam, I don't even know. I used to have a huge crush on her in middle school but those feelings went away, maybe they've resurfaced, I just don't know."

"I understand, but it's not fair to Amber to keep leading her on like this. If you can see a future then I say go keep dating her, if you think you'd rather be with someone else, end it."

"Thanks cam."


Chelsea's POV

"Hey what's up guys! it's Chelsea with a new video and I'm joined by This guy. Introduce yourself."

"Hi I'm carter reynolds and I like booty."

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