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A weekend... alone with Kain shouldn't be that bad right??

"You're overreacting, I'm sure he just wants time with you" Lauren tried to convince me as if I'm crazy. I'm just telling it how I see it.

"You should make the first move, take some action," Gwyar said filing down her nails.

" I take action" I said defensively, well.... I occasionally take action depending on my confidence at the moment.

"On this trip you better not come back a virgin" Gwyar gave me a side eye, Kain had a free weekend so he planned a weekend he told me. Plus I'm already not a virgin. Obviously


"Don't rip your stitches" I told Kain as I applied rubbing alcohol to the area to clean it. I told him to go to a doctor countless times but he just says they'll ask questions.

"For the hundredth time, I'm fine," Kain said , slightly irritated with me.

Oh really?

Putting slight pressure on the bandage, I hear Kain let out a hiss. "What the fuck" Kain flinched a bit.

Fine my ass.

Wait, do people say that?

"You're not" I smiled, handing Kain his shirt, "so where are we going?" I asked, sitting on my bed.

" You just have to wait and see" Kain smirked, Hmm suspicious.

"I have to meet my new dance partner," I told Kain as I finished up on my hair. "What time?"

"In an hour" I mumbled putting on mascara "how do I look?" I asked, turning around wearing a white button up with a couple buttons undone, black jeans with a belt. Since this was a meet I wanted to look presentable.

Kain looked up, while his pupils dilated a bit... a red tint appeared on his cheeks. "Sexy, Beautiful"

Hmm I made him blush. I feel like accomplished.

Kain looked away, noticing I saw him blush hahah.


"So I'll pick you up at 8pm tonight" Kain leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I still get butterflies when he does that.

So he wanted to go on a road trip at night so I didn't mind, as long as I had food on the way. I get hungry fast.

"Ok, see you later" I said leaving the car, I'm meeting my new dance partner at the rehearsal place. Just to talk and build a quick connection.

Going inside the studio, I placed my bag on the floor as I saw Robbins writing something on a chart.

"She should've here in a minute, she has a tendency of being fashionably late." Robbins said as I nodded, stretching a bit.

Hearing heels click the floor, I whip my head around to see my ex, Angel. It's been a year since we broke up. The feeling was mutual, Angel still looked the same.

Naturally ginger red wavy hair, Olive bright skin. Visible freckles, ocean light blue eyes. Plumped red lips, structured jawline.

I met Angel at a dance place a while ago, so we kind of connected after that.

Angel looked up noticing me as she paused. "Malia" She breathed out.

"Well I'll leave yall to it, since it looks like you already know each other, '' Robbins awkwardly said before leaving the room.

" I didn't know you went here" I said sitting on a stool.

"Started this week," Angel sighed, setting her bag down. "Let's not make this awkward, we could still be friends right?"

Malia's Curse (#1)  Where stories live. Discover now