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Two months later

"Malia you shouldn't really of get involved" Kain said placing his hand on my Jean thing.

"It's Valentine's Day! Ben and Julius have not gotten together yet so someone has to do it" I turned around and kissed his cheek.
Me and Kain had plans later today so in the meantime why not play Cupid. "Ok put this earpiece in" I gave to Ben. Of course me and Kain were going to stake out while they have a brunch.

"If it's going bad say orange or something" I said before pushing Ben out the room.

"This is definitely a bad idea" Kain said coming up and hugging me from behind. "It's not, Julius haven't been the same since Jay and I feel like Ben will be the support he needs" I turned around pecked Kain on the cheek.

"Oh! I have a gift for you" I exclaimed jumping up and clapping while Kain looked confused "I thought we agreed no gifts?"

"We all know I never listen" I said before shoving a present in his hands. He opened the gift slowly as his face morphine to a small smile.

I got him a beautiful watch that I saw in the mall, he's into metal rings like he literally has a collection so I got him a custom one with a invinty sight that says .

Always and forever.

And of course he loves Oreos so why not.

"Thank you" Kain hugged me, he loves it! I even saw his dimples!

"Your welcome! Now it's time to dress for the stake out, I'm thinking all black?"


We were now parked across the street while Julius and Ben sat at this outside restaurant. So far so good.

"Compliment him" Julius had a huge ass ego so why not feed into it. "His hair, Clothes, shoes. Something!"

"You have nice teeth" Ben said nervously, While Kain busted out laughing.

"Benjamin" I groaned in disappointment.

We watched the rest as it went smoothly into the end. Come on Benjamin.

"Julius kno-"

I stuffed a piece of bread in Kains mouth to stop him from ruining my operation.

"Ok lean in and attempt a kiss. If this goes wrong just pretend it was a hug or something, oh and definitely use tongue. Did you eat garlic?" I asked into the mic


Sitting back I watched my magic happen, the kiss went great. What a wonderful day to play Cupid!

Then there was a knock on the window that scared the living shit out of me, it was Julius with a angry expression, I smiled awkward letting the window down.

"What are the odds" I looked around for a good excuse "Me and Kain were just going to go to the salon"

"Malia, stop meddling. I can't believe you went along with this Kain"

Kain held his hands up as if he was innocent " I was dragged here"

"Well at least your not entirely single, thank me later! Oh and fix your posture it's very unattractive" I said before letting up the window.

Me and Kain ended up at Ben's bar "There goes m favorite couple" Ben gushed.

While Kain sat at our table I went up to the bar. "Malia I can't keep selling you alcoholic beverages"

"I know I wanted to request a special pie, black berry pie with beer but like put the beer inside the cake. Oh and can you add a heart on there thanks" I rushed out quickly before smacking one hundred dollars on the counter.

Malia's Curse (#1)  Where stories live. Discover now