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Go to therapy, they said. It's fun! It makes you seem less crazy. Or maybe you should go on some medication.

Blah blah blah, every therapist I've been to, I've heard the same shit.

Taking a sip of the ' tea' stuff Mrs.Duncan is making me drink, it tastes sour, but apple cider-like. I don't know? She's trying to get me off of sugary drinks. So she magically thin nasty sour tea will help.

And thirty minutes later, I had therapy. This is someone my mom recommended, he's supposedly the best here. But I don't believe in a best therapist.

Putting my dish away, I jog upstairs as I picked out an outfit for the day.

Picking out a pair of mom jeans, with pattern patches red, purple, blue. I decided to pick out my long sleeve black zigzag printed crop shirt.

Taking out my blue and white sneaks, I quickly changed into my clothes.

Coming out of the bathroom. I put on a white and blue bandanna, with curls sticking out the bandanna. Hearing my phone vibrate. I look down to see Lauren contact

"Yes Lauren?" I answered on speaker while I cleaned up my hair supplies

"So you know the cute bartender girl" Lauren rushed out sounding nervous.

"Yeah, I think so"

"OK! So she asked me out later tonight. And I don't have a babysitter.. Malia, can you watch Veronica?" Lauren sounded desperate for me to watch Vee.

"Um what time?" I wondered if I should cancel my chiropractor appointment, lately my back has been hurting bothering me.

"Around 7-10?" Lauren said as I heard shuffling in the background

I wasn't a person who was good around kids. I mean baby's were easier. but any other age is evil.

Veronica was a good kid, but she had so much energy. Ohh I can let her and Mrs. Duncan play around

"I will," I said.

"OK! THANKS!" Lauren appreciated it before she hung up the phone.

Rolling my eyes at Lauren's excitement, I went downstairs to find Mr. Brown.

Walking to the front door, I noticed him in his regular position.

"Mr.Brown, I have therapy. Mind driving me?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Sure Miss. Scott" Mr.Brown nodded

"Please, call me Malia, or Miss. DavEale" I offered. I hated being called Miss Scott.

That's my father's last name....... I don't want the last name of a fucking cheater

Walking to the huge black truck, that they usually drives us around in

Getting in the car, I told Mr. Brown the location of the place.

Thanking him, I sat back and enjoyed the ride.


As Mr. Brown pulled into the parking lot, I thanked him again to know I appreciate it.

Looking at the tall building I automatically felt anxious, as my palms started to sweat badly.

I looked across the road to see a place called E-Juices. Shrugging I walked over to the place. There was no traffic so I hurried across the street.

Opening the door, a ding went off in alarm of me coming in.

I looked around to see orange countertops, black barstools. The floors were black and orange tiles. As a neon glowing sign said Fresh.

Walking to the front desk, I noticed a short blonde girl skipping around.

Malia's Curse (#1)  Where stories live. Discover now