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He dated for a month ?

"Stop jumping to conclusions he probably just had a fling, they were drunk anyways" Lauren tried convincingly.

Lauren just finished meeting with her lawyer, basically telling her she has full rights. I was now rambling to her about how I'm confused I guess

"your right" I finally said even though I'm still a little weird about it.

"Anyways I have to go meet Kain later " I said before hugging Lauren and leaving .

I also have to babysit Chris so that should be fun, but I'll just take him with me .

Going home, I changed into a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Just basic.  Shelby dropped Chris off while I was changing but still.

Shelby also dropped off some formula and baby bottles, Breastfeeding wasn't working for her.

"Ok buddy" I said, picking up Chris who was asleep. I did ask Shelby if I could have people around Chris seeing he's a newborn.

Picking up my phone I decided to tell Kain to just come over. Chris was napping and I don't want to wake a napping baby.

I need a nickname for Chris, Hmm.... Buttercup? Babe? Pumpkin? Luv?

I don't know.

Let's Chris sleep I heard the front door open which revealed Grace and Kain .

Grace ran over to Chris watching him intently. "Hey" Kain attempted to go in with a kiss but I turned my head landing the kiss on my cheek. "Hello to you too"  he said sarcastically before I turned on a movie for Grace while Chris laid in his little crib thing

"So what movie do you want to watch?" Grace asked me handing me the remote

"Aladdin" I settled next to Grace with blankets, "Oh I love that movie" Grace exclaimed wiggling around her broken arm.

Throughout the movie I could tell Kain was bothered by my greeting.

"Hey Mal! What's your favorite ice cream?" Grace asked, looking up at me.

"I don't know it's a flavor only available during April" I remarked, I really have to stop.

Chris starts wailing so I get up "Apricot" I mumbled walking to the kitchen. After I get Chris under control I start making myself a quick salad.

Taking a knife I start to cut my bell peppers harshly, Has he not picked up on my A usage. I'm not mad I just want to know why he hasn't told me yet it's not like I'm going to cut off his dick or something.

Many things starts with A. I think? I'm running out of A words.

"Did I do something?" Kain asked, approaching me "why would you think that?" I grabbed a handful of spinach and started to cut it harshly.

"You're avoiding me"

" Why would I invite you here if I was avoiding you?" I set down the knife.

"Don't answer my question with a question" Kain crossed his arms agitated with me.

"What was your question?"  I crossed my arms acting confused.

"You're pissed, why?"

"I'm not"

"What the hell is wrong with you then? You preach about wanting communication in a relationship yet you're secretly pissed at me" Kain raised his voice a bit.

Malia's Curse (#1)  Where stories live. Discover now