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"Ok so this is a meeting" My mom said seriously while we sat at the dinner table. We, being me Kain, Shelby and Julius.

I invited them to stay over... well mostly Kain while my cousins were over mostly for moral support

"Kain, Malia just attempt to act like a couple, you'll have Amber questioning me"

My mouth dropped dramatically "what you mean by that we act... like a couple" I frowned

"Please" Julius laughed "Y'all act like a old married couple" Julius laughed more as Shelby agreed.

"Anyways! Amber is coming with some of the annoying cousins. They will be staying for the weekend then they are leaving. Malia, try to be home more and please don't get in a fight again with Kelsey"

"Again?" Kain asked turning his head at me. "What? She took my last donut, it literally said Malia"

"My family is very traditional so they don't agree with sex before marriage, oh and revealing clothes."

"Carter, Kelsey will sleep in our guest room, Amber will sleep in our guest house, David will sleep in the other guest

Grace was with the nanny she's had since she was little. I told Kain he really didn't have to but he said he wanted to

"We have three hours to clean up" Mom said dismissing us, We went around and cleaned the house Julius left saying he has a teeth whitening appointment.

"Are they that bad?" Kain asked while I collected all my sexual things in my room, knowing Amber and the nosy ass cousins will be al up in my room.

"Yeah put these at the top self of my closet, behind the shoe boxes" I handed the cubby to Kain as he looked through them.

"We should use some of these sometime" Kain said holding up a purple thing.

"Hm, we really should. Now put them away" I scoffed making my bed

I already knew there was going to be a issue with Kain being here but if you want to be for real then I was going to have Kain over first. We were going to go to a cabin as a little get away but noooo.

"Ok, I need to pick out a outfit" I breathed out after closing my room door.

"What about this" I held up a black long sleeve with jeans and combat boots with Kain leather jacket I stole the other day "Badass" Kain responded with a simple nod.

"Not to burst your bubble but, burst. You need to cover your tattoos on your arm" I threw one of his jackets at him.

Like I said it wasn't even a cultural thing it was just the fact my family was judgmental.

"But you have like 5 tattoos" Kain said a bit confused but slid on the jacket.

"That's why I'm covering them, oh and lose the lip ring" I said taking out my nose piercing.

"Damn they really that bad "

I turned around putting on my shirt "you have no idea"


"Oh! Malia you've gotten so big" Amber said before giving me a bone crushing hug

I greeted the rest of my cousins, I couldn't help but notice How Kelsey was staring at, my! Boyfriend.

"Hey Carter" I smiled at her while I ignored the nasty look I got from David

We all went in the living room, I sat next to Kain well everyone else sat around.

"So Malia who's this gentleman here" Amber asked as me and mom exchanged looks

I really want to be a smart ass right now because I know whatever I say the follow up question will revolve marriage.

Malia's Curse (#1)  Where stories live. Discover now