I'm constantly on the brink of a break down
Skidding along the rim of a thin wine glass full of vodkaCircling
And circling
Causing the glass to vibrate
The pitch shifts a little each time I falter
Occasionally I lean over and drag my fingers through the liquid
Disrupting the surface tension for a brief moment
But never fully breaking it
I'm doing it more and more often now
And when I do it burns my skin
A sweet moment of titivating release
When I can feel the vibrations in my skull
I scream along with the glass
I continue to skid tediously along the slender edgeAgain
And again
I've never fallen in
Not yet
But if when I do
I hope I get so drunk
So high
So incredibly manic just before I drownThat I'll never truly die
That my gurgles will be left to reverberate against the glass walls forever
Replaying my slip
My fall through the veilOver
And over
And over

A Collection of Thoughts
PoetryA collection of mostly free verse poems and short stories. Sometimes it is nice to simply clear your head. *Trigger warnings: descriptions of disturbing themes such as: body horror, death, interactions with the uncanny, topics in biology, and suici...