I'm on the outside looking in.
My toes straining to elevate my cumbersome body.
Desperate to peek into a realm not of my own.
It's futile.
The more I try.
The harder I force.
The less I feel.
I avert my eyes to avoid conflict,
As I float in a different dimension.
Holding my breath as to not waste the precious air around me.
I refuse to touch, as my heat may disrupt the natural hierarchy.
I allow myself to sink, as to avoid creating ripples due to my existence.
I am ok with drowning.
My presence only discomforts individuals who truly belong.
Quiet and precise.
That is how I will end.
All my parts concentrated.
Clean and tidy.
Packaged away are emotions and memories.
All that is me resides within my mind.
And there I will stay.
And there I will die.
They phase through my body.
I am flooded with their feelings.
Overwhelmed by their beating hearts.
How loud their heads are.
I wilt underneath their smoldering heat.
They exit after bleeding through every inch of my system.
Leaving me to linger on the edge of their energy.
I quiver in my bones.
My nerves dulling,
My senses blurring.
Preserving me from over stimulation.
I am saved from feeling.
They do not see me.
For the second dimension is not visible in the third.

A Collection of Thoughts
PoetryA collection of mostly free verse poems and short stories. Sometimes it is nice to simply clear your head. *Trigger warnings: descriptions of disturbing themes such as: body horror, death, interactions with the uncanny, topics in biology, and suici...