My hands enjoy wandering
Along the veins in your arms,
And the vertebrae of your back.But you brush them away
Like an annoyance,
So I wish not to bother you with them
Any longer.My lips burn for your neck.
For your mouth.
For the gentle flesh of your forehead.
But you avoid them due to their severity.I understand.
I invite you to lay your head in my lap
So that I may caress your eyebrows with my thumbs.
And outline your cheekbones with my fingers.
Ever so gently,
Until you drift off.
So that I may quietly admire
Your sleeping face.But you don't want that,
And that's ok.I wish to give you soft butterfly kisses,
And nuzzle my nose into yours like
Two warm Eskimos.
I want you to feel at home in my embraces.
We will sway steadily together,
As I coo into your ears.If only you would let me,
It would be so nice.I will stroke the back of your head,
And rub circles into your back.
Absorbing your tears,
Until you can catch your breath again.But you would never want that.
No one would.Or at the very least
You don't want me.
Because I am nothing but a nuisance.My intensity makes me collapse inward on you,
Like a house engulfed in flames.
Smoldering inside
With the affection
That I so desperately want
To give.But I don't bother.
Because no one
Wants to be scorched
By these disgusting,
Blistering hands
That desire to destroy
Everything they touch.

A Collection of Thoughts
PoésieA collection of mostly free verse poems and short stories. Sometimes it is nice to simply clear your head. *Trigger warnings: descriptions of disturbing themes such as: body horror, death, interactions with the uncanny, topics in biology, and suici...