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Let's roll around in the dirt,
Follow ant trails,
And put rocks in our mouths.
Let's sink our feet in the mud
And splash in the puddles.
Take a moment to just smell the Earth.
Let's run in the yard until our sides hurt
And the water from the garden hose tastes like gold.
Let's jump in the sprinkler with our superhero bathing suits,
And pepper the yard with the rubber of popped water balloons.
Let's allow the sun kiss our skin,
And our hair be blown by the wind.
May the grass smell as green as ever.

Let's try to remember
What it felt like
To be kids.

When the scent of gasoline in the summer afternoon meant the ice cream truck was near.
When our fingers were dusted with sidewalk chalk,
And our chins dripped with the sweetness of watermelon.
When our knees were scuffed and scraped in the best way.
When kingdoms of aliens and robots were forged on the playground blacktop,
And jungle gyms made great fortresses.
When you could still see that imaginary ninja running across the telephone poll as you sat in the back seat,
And sandboxes were the perfect site for excavating dinosaur bones.
Gardens were lost cities.
Bubble baths were a stage for ocean expeditions.
And every stuffed animal had a seat to watch Jurassic Park for the 57th time.
When everything felt perfect.
And simple.
And sweet.
When laughter was a common occurrence.
And friends were made by the simple trade of a Pokémon card.
Let's be kids again.
Let's find that joy.
It's there,

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