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Oh how envious I am of you.
Of your chlorophyll.
Of your ability to eat the sun.
I am jealous of the stability that your roots grant you,
as they anchor your souls to the sandy loam beneath you.
You are unwavered by the wind in which that sways you.
Unaffected by the dew droplets that kiss the stomata on your leaves.
You show no bitterness towards the centipedes that passively caress your stems with their forcipules.
I feel contempt towards your intelligence.
Your sense of evolution.
Your resourcefulness.
Your ability to establish an array of give-take relationships through an exchange of nectar and pollen transport.
You found the most promise within us,
and adapted to our needs,
influencing us to nurture you in return.
How I wish I could live amongst you in the soil.
I resent the fact that my existence is not as clean as yours,
for I must destroy in order to survive.

just are.

You simply be.


Although I am unfamiliar with those concepts, at least I can find comfort knowing that the color of my envy matches the pigment of your flesh.

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