Viscera II

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Freshly carved and reeling
I roll myself up in my picnic blanket electrified with hysteria
My beautiful colors bleeding through the fabric
The wicker basket is weaved with my laughter
The ants kiss me the same way they do summer time fruits
Summer time strawberries
Succulent in a metallic sort of way
Never before has my body been so alive with red
Saturated and tender
Flesh and bone translucent like a soft gelatin baking in the bare sun
A scarlet cloak of frothy fever dreams preserved in the ethanol
I lick the formaldehyde residue off my open palms 
As I pull at the pale skin stretched across my frame like the tabs in a child's pop-up book
Until I am open to the sky
I have never felt so happy
So ecstatic
This is the first time in my life I have felt truly beautiful

Truly alive
Truly red

Red like the absorbent pad in a package of grocery store meat
Red like the ribbons that run down my legs as I dance in the raspberry bushes
Red like the punctured skin of a sugary ovary
Red like the wax that melts from an open flame, stinging my finger tips
Red like the voices that scream at me from the cracks between the floorboards


Red like all my favorite things

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