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The ants excitedly begin collecting
At the soles of your tennis shoes
And the cuffs of your jeans
The sweet nectar of a forbidden fruit
Dripping down your arms
They know what you've done
And they are here to eat away at your foundation
Slowly gnawing at the rind of your consciousness
Until you are no longer sane
The juices rush
You pierce the flesh of the golden ovary
With your candied teeth
Again and again
The parenchyma cells burst
Still the nectar drips
The summer air has the ability to nauseate
Any smell considered once pleasant
Inviting a close friend of the ants to join
The flies
They cover your succulent face
Cutting your open eyes with their wings
Buzzing in your mouth and ears
Until you can no longer recall your name
They too partake in the divine produce
Lodging their maggots into the pit of the other worldly pome
The sugary sap curdles into blood
And it's screaming as it congeals
But the flies are without moral compass
So still only you are to blame

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