The Time Has Finally Come To Rest

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Teeth throbbing
Head splitting open
Earth spins me around its axis
Talking to myself in the safely of the dark
Inside out and upside down
Mouth running dry
Eyes crusted shut with rheum
Have you gotten enough sleep?
Always always always fine
Slits in my face I call home
Flaking fingernails
Inside of cheeks gnawed raw
Nose full of dry blood
Aspirin bottles empty on the floor
Let this stop
Let me be
You can't keep this up forever
Clammy palms and peeling skin
Open the scars again
Meet the voices half way
Eat and try not to retch
Today is the day, today is the one
Only phantoms can hear me now
Rinse and repeat
Every body has an expiration date
Slipping into the static
Time to sleep

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