Quick Thing+ Tagged

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Yoooo I got tagged! Thanks you Br0ken_ch3ck

Roman was nervous for his first day of school but happy at the same time. He quickly grabbed his bag and rushed outside. Roman got onto the school bus for the first time by himself and was was off to the unknown place.

He walked into the doors of his classroom and saw this boy with really dark brown hair and a purple shirt. He thought he was cute but said nothing. Throughout the year the boy and Roman grew closer and became friends. He found out that the boys name is Virgil and that he was kind of shy.

Roman walked into the doors of his first grade classroom. He was hoping to see Virgil but saw no one he knew. He slapped and sat down, wishing his beast friend was there.

The year went by agonizingly slow and Roman was glad that second grade was about to begin. He walked into the room and saw his kindergarten teacher who had been moved up and more importantly, Virgil. They got to choose their seats and so Roman sat next to Virgil.

In sixth grade Virgil confessed his feelings to Roman after their other friends incouraged him too. Roman told Virgil that he felt the same but wanted to wait until high school so start dating. Virgil agreed and so the rained 'friends.' They cuddled and gave each other kisses on the cheeks but that was it. Until 9th grade.

Roman asked Virgil out and he agreed. They went to the movies and then got pizza. When they went back to Roman's place they cuddled in his office room and had their first kiss.

They continued to date and eventually got married. Most people have high school sweethearts but they were sweethearts since they were toddlers.

Poggers! Hello. That was inspired by my sister and her lover! Now onto the tagged stuff!

1. Do I like someone? Nope!
2. Does anyone like me? I hope not.
3. Middle Name? Nicole
4. Single or taken? Single!
5. Last person I texted? A friend
6. Last song I listen to? The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
7. Battery %? 27%
8. Girl Best Friend? A book nerd
9. Guy Best Friend? Between 2
10. Favorite OTP? C!Quackbur
11. Why am I here? I made a promise.
12. (Current LockScreen Below)
13. Birthday? June 15th!

Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me!

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