Freshman Year

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Wattpad has been changing where my stories once I publisht hem and I'm not quite sure why. Also, I started freshman year of high school on Monday so in celebration I want to right a story about it.

Roman opened the app and stared at is schedule with hopeful eyes.

Biology 9
US History 9
Spanish 3
Wellness 9
English 9
Algebra 1

Roman quickly screenshotted his schedule and sent it to his boyfriend, feeling hopeful. He heard his phone buzz and quickly checked discord.

":<" Was the text he received. His heart skipped a beat.

'A frown?? I did he send me a frown? Is something wrong?' Roman thought. He then had all his questions answered when his Virgil sent him a copy of his schedule.

Algebra 1
English 9
US History 9
Study Hall
Wellness 9

'We have... no classes together.' Roman thought as he looked back and forth between the schedules.

"That sucks :( but at least we have Lunch together!" Roman sent the message. Not the start to the year he was hoping for, but maybe it won't be that bad.

It was that bad. Roman and Virgil didn't even pass each other in the hallways. Roman was also in Encore Homeroom while Virgil was in Band Homeroom so the didn't even see each other then.

Roman sat down next to his friends from Spanish. He was talking to the newest member when he was tapped gently on the shoulder. He looked up and saw is boyfriend standing there awkwardly while shifting from on leg to the other.

"Virgil!" Roman said with delight while grabbing his boyfriend's wrist gently and pulling him down to sit of the bench.

"How has your day been?" Roman asked while holding Virgil's hand. The conversation he was holding before was long forgotten.

"So far so good. The Algebra teacher is really forgetful so watch out for that." Virgil said while resting his head on Roman's shoulder. Roman kissed the top of Virgil's head and then heard a voice from across the table.

"Who do you have?" The person was someone in Roman's Spanish class he didn't talk to much. His name was Logan.

"Mrs. Greyberns" Roman responded, looking at the fellow freshman.

"Ah, yeah. I had her last year. I take tenth grade maths. She is pretty forgetful. I recommend asking for a second copy of everything." He said, pushing his glasses up on his face.

"Will do," Roman said while still cuddling his boyfriend.

The lunch bell rang and Virgil groaned. Not only did he have to leave Roman until dismissal, but he also I gym class. Roman gave him one last kiss on the cheek before he walked off to gym class. Virgil walked down the hall where the art room was and sat down some where random. He put his head on the desk and waited for the rest of the students to flood in.

The late bell rang and Virgil had his head up. The students were chatting amongst themselves because Mr. Tanboo wasn't there yet. Virgil started to get worried and kept twiddling his thumbs.

The door opened and Mr. Tanboo walk into the class. It was evident he didn't want to be there but most of the students didn't either so it worked out.

"Right. Today we are going to be learning about the famed streat artist Bansky." Now, your going to hear many people say that he wasn't that great because his work was and always has been vandalism. They would be right about one thing; his work is vandalism. However, the government sucks and buildings wouldn't be vandalized if they looked prettier..." The teacher rambled on about his 'lesson'. Pretty sure he just gives everyone a good grade and then talk about the controversial part of the art world.

Virgil started to doodle drawings of him and Roman together in the future in his sketchbook.

"Virgil! What are you doing?" Mr. Tanboo said has he walked over to Virgil. He awkwardly sat there as his teacher started to walk his way. The teacher leaned over him and saw the drawings. He picked up the sketch book and put it on his desk. Virgil's heart was racing. Everyone was staring at him. The whole room was silent. He was about to start crying.

"Here you go," Virgil managed to hear over his racing thoughts. He looks up and sees his teacher handing him is notebook. On the paper it said.

"The lighting is off and Under the arms should be shading! Great for a quick sketch though! 9.5/10."

Virgil then heard his teacher clear is throat. "Well, Virgil has created a new assignment for us. Draw your best doodle, no more than 5 minutes. This is worth 10 points. Now do it and stop making your classmate uncomfortable."
The students quickly got to work and the teacher turned a.d smiled at Virgil.

"Your art style is really good! I hope to see you next year." He said to the freshman.

"You most definitely will" Virgil replied, giving a smile in return.

Virgil got off the bus and walked up his driveway. He went to open the door with his key and he remembered he left it in his room. His parents like to lock all the windows in the house, and Virgil does the same thing. He fiddled with his bookbag until the zipper opened. He reached his shaky hands in and messaged his mother.

'Hey mom, I forgot my house key. Can I just go over to Roman's till you get home?' He sent the message and quickly got a reply.

'Why do you even take the key out of your bag? And yes, you can go hang at with your boyfriend' Virgil blushed at her use of the word boyfriend. She's always teased him about Roman though.

"Knock knock knock" three barely audible knocks were heard at Roman's door. Luckily, we was in his living room and heard it. He only knows one person that knocks like that.

"Come in Virgil, the doors unlocked" Roman said while continuing the movie he just started.

Virgil walked through the doorway shyly and sat next to Roman. Roman stared at Virgil, huffed, and then put his arm around Virgil's neck. Virgil went a deep shade of red and tried to distract himself.

"Uhh what are you watching?" He asked, almost stuttering but avoiding it.

"James and the Giant Peach, you've gotta see this." Roman said while he pulled Virgil under the blanket and onto his lap.

The two lovers cuddled, kissed, and watched Tim Burton movies all night. Virgil's mom called to let Virgil know he could stay over so it was all good.

I genuinely can't believe I got this one out! I have 3 essays due this week and all 3 of them were assigned Thursday of Last week. I also have test corrections and a packet due tomorrow. I love High School 🙄. (In all seriousness, I've had a blast so far) Hope you liked it!

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