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Inspired by a Drarry one shot. Soulmate AU. Virgil is a singer and whatever your soulmate draws one themselves, you get on you.

Roman yawned as he woke up to the golden rays of the sun hitting his face, shining brightly, acting as a natural wake up call. He rubbed his right eye, sitting up to look around the room. Roman yawned again as he got out from under the cozy blankets. He rubbed his eye again but this time his left when. He instinctively walked over to the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. 

He opened the door and walked over to his sink. He turned the cold water on and got lost in his thoughts as he watched the water run down into the drain. He stuck his hand out with his palm facing the water stream. He closed his eyes and sighed contently enjoying the feeling of the cold water on his warm skin. It has been hot recently and Roman just wanted to feel content. He turned the water off and flicked his hand a few times to make sure it didn’t drip. 

He turned to walk across the bathroom and started to sing to himself silently.

“Yohohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho Yohohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho” Roman sang lowly. (If you get that then I announce the my bestest friendo) He loved the song and it calmed him down which he didn’t really need to be calmed down as he hasn’t had anything happen, it is still nice to sing the old-fashioned song.

The water hit the top of his head. It was cold and refreshing. He once again sighed contently. He ran his fingers threw his hair once again and wished he could never leave. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and ran it under the cold water watching the misty droplets as they ran down the bottle smoothy. He took the bottle out of the continuous stream of pelting water. He opened the bottle and smelled it, getting overwhelmed with the whimsical scent of french vanilla. He relaxed and could feel his shoulder’s go limp. He put that thick, cold, liquid on his hand. He rubbed his hand together to spread the liquid and then took his hands up to his head he rubbed his scalp and sighed while the soapy bubbled worked their magic, taking the dirt out of his hair. 

He took a step into the cold water and closed his eyes to avoid getting any soap water in his eyes. He threw his head back to get the soap from his bangs. He pushed his bangs back and opened his eyes slightly to avoid getting to much water in them.

He rapped a light grey towel around his waist and opened the sliding door. He stepped out and wiggled his toes on the fuzzy mat that was there for the sole purpose of drying his feet. He stepped off the mat and onto the cold tile. He walked across to the sink and brushed his teeth with the mint toothpaste that was sitting promptly off to the side. Went in a back and forth, up and down motion with the electric toothbrush or two minutes, and then spit the foamy residue into the sink. He wiped his mouth with water from the sink and looked into the large mirror. He smiled brightly at his reflection, showing his pearly white teeth. He walked out of the room, still having the towel wrapped around his waist.

Upon reaching the carpet in his room his smiled warmly, ready to start the day. He reached the third door in his room. He opened to door, revealing a generously sized walk-in closet. He walked in and dropped the towel. He grabbed a white button-up with some red flowers on it. It was accompanied by a black belt ad some black trousers. He looked in the full body mirror that was to his left and twirled. 

He strutted out of the closet and walked out of the room, preparing for the day. Then he walked right back in the room. His dumb arse forgot his phone and wallet. He walked over to the nightstand and grabbed his phone and wallet. When he was doing that, he saw a small piece of paper. It was roughly 2 inches in height and 5 inches in length. It had some writing and a date on it. He picked it up and knew from the texture it was a concert ticket.

He remembered that Remy bought one for him and Emile. He kind of just showed up and gave him a ticket. The ticket was for a concert taking place tonight at 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. It was starring Roman’s favorite band along with others. Roman put the ticket in his pocket along with his wallet and phone.

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